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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Cardamom Butter/margarine ...

Udrør the yeast in a little cold milk, add lukewarm milk. Melt and cool the butter/margarine. Stir the egg yolks with sugar to it will be bright. Add milk, flour and cardamom, while there is stirred thoroughly. Got half of the melted fat in the dough, and mix

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Cardamom Sugar ...

The butter is melted in the milk, and mix with the flour. The eggs and kardemommen are added according to taste. Let it rest 15 minutes, the yeast is mixed in a little lukewarm milk and added. The whole thing is kneaded well and made withdrawals in a large bow

Desserts (warm) 1-2 packages rafinol or similar Red currant juice Salt ...

Stir the egg yolks with salt. Lukewarm milk and flour is stirred in alternately. Whites whipped stiff and reversed in the dough. Raises about half an hour. Sweat Swedes watered down and boil with red currant juice to mush. Sugar added Rafinol melted in a pan a

Desserts (warm) Lard for baking TSP. Salt Milk ...

Milk yeast, dissolved in it and Salted lunes added. The eggs are shared and egg yolks are added one at a time. The flour whipped into the egg whites whipped stiff and reversed. gently in the mass. The dough is made warm and raises now 1 hour, with a clean Tea

Desserts (warm) Raffinol Yeast Milk ...

Flour, egg yolks, stirred together with milk. The yeast is added. The stiff whipped whites into batter. Dough should be thick. In 1/2 time. Bake in raffinol or similar. Considered as a main course. Served warm with stikkelsbær compote, Apple pudding, syrup

Desserts (warm) Eggs Pearl sugar Fillet boards ...

Plates fillet rolled out to 2 mm. cut the squares large enough for each Apple can be wrapped. Mix sugar, cinnamon and butter. Peel the apples and drill core are out. Fill each hole with cinnamon mixture. Set each Apple on a square and wrap into. Brush with

Desserts (warm) Small bdt. lemon balm Icing sugar Fresh goat cheese ...

Eggs and powdered sugar are beaten together. Add the softened goat cheese (softened with a fork), fraice and finely shredded lemon balm cream, season with s/p. butter a tærtefad and advantage the figs and goat cheese mixture over came so that they just barely

Desserts (warm) Sweetener Vanilla sugar Eggs ...

The apples are cut into both and put in a baking dish and sprinkled with vanilla sugar. the noodles are cooked in milk. The two egg yolks whipped with sweetener and mix in whipped egg whites stiff and reversed. gently in the mass. The mass is poured over the a