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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Olive oil Salt Together the beaten egg ...

Mix rice flour, sugar, salt and coconut flakes in a bowl. Make a recess in the middle. Add the eggs. Stir in a little coconut milk in little by little to the mass will be a steady batter. Heat the Pan up by even heat. Advantage a little oil on it. Pour off

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream Egg white Orange ...

Chop the figs coarsely and mix them with raisins and juice of Orange-let it soak for a few hours. Grate marcipanen in and turn white in. Hollow-out the apples and stuffing them in a heat-proof platter. tune and behind a half hour at 200 degrees or until tender

Desserts (warm) Apple juice Calvados or Lemon juice ...

Peel the apples very thinly, and only let the stem stays. Then remove the core House from below with a sharp knife or a core sets. So you approximately ½ liter water boils up in a low saucepan with sugar and lemon juice. Let the apples vapors in it for abou

Desserts (warm) Good tart eating apples Water Vanilla sugar ...

Apples peeled and cut in both-steamed in the water for very low heat to mush-vanilla added. Sugar and macaroons are changed in the stiftpiskede whites. Æblemosen is added at the bottom of a shallow heat-proof Bowl-meringue mass spread out over-put in a p

Desserts (warm) Sugar Vanilla sugar Egg whites ...

Clean the rhubarb, cut those pieces on 2-3 cm and put them in a tærtefad. Slice the strawberries into the neighborhood and advantage them between rhubarb pieces. Mix sugar and vanilla sugar and sprinkle it out over the fruit. Beat the egg whites until frothy a

Desserts (warm) Potato flour Vanilla pod Icing sugar ...

Grate the almonds in a dry and not too warm forehead, for they have taken the color. Rhubarb Compote: mix the rhubarb with sugar and potato flour and corn pads from vanillestangen in a tærtefad. Cover with foil and set it in a 200 degrees c. alm. oven in 20

Desserts (warm) Nut kernels Sugar Egg whites ...

Let the apricots drain away. Put them in a dish. Chop the nuts coarsely and sprinkle them over the apricots. Warm them in the microwave at power 10 in 2 min. beat the egg whites very stiff and whip the sugar in. Wide meringue mass over the apricots Let dessert

Desserts (warm) Liquid honey Rafinol (or a neutral oil) Vanilla ice cream ...

Mix the flour, salt and water. Stir in it for there is no lumps are. Add the egg and stir well. Peel bananas and cut each of them into 4-5 pieces. Put them in deep fat dough. Heat rafinol in a small saucepan to approximately 180 degrees. Take the banana