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Pickling recipes

Pickling Cauliflower cut in medium-size florets Thyme White wine vinegar ...

Bring all the ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve them warmly or use them on the breakfast table the following day.

Pickling Atamon or spirits to rinse the glass Seeds from 4 cardamom capsules Orange peel thereof ...

Peel the clementines and remove all the stones. Fold the vanilla and scrape the grains. Put all the ingredients in a pan and let it boil 30 minutes until the marmalade thickens. Remove the pan from the flare and add the roasted pine nuts. Pour the marmal

Pickling Atamon or spirits to rinse the glass Seeds from 4 cardamom capsules Orange peel thereof ...

Peel the mandarins and remove all the rocks. Fold the vanilla and scrape the grains. Put all the ingredients in a pan and let it boil 30 minutes until the marmalade thickens. Remove the pan from the flare and add the roasted pine nuts. Pour the marmalade

Pickling The fruit can be oranges, grapefruit, lemons, lime and pomelo Purified fruit (Peel + pulp) Sugar ...

Wash the fruits (orange, grape, lemon) well - cleans the surface with a "green-sponge sponge". Peel the fruits. Removes most of the white medium layer from the surface of the orange juice and the inside of the peel. Blender fruit meat. Cuts the pee

Pickling Watercress Lemon pulp Dry rosé wine ...

Softly blend in cold water and dissolve in 1-2 tablespoons of boiling water. Add the rosé wine with stirring and fill the mixture in one form. Whip the creme fraiche halvsativ, taste it with salt and pepper and turn the prawns in. Decorate with watercres

Pickling Lime can be used instead of lemons Freshly grated ginger Garlic ...

Rinse and do the vegetables. Boil whole lemons 10 min. In water. Cool them and cut them into small cubes. Sliced ​​chilli and garlic in thin slices. Chop parsley and onions. Season onion, garlic, parsley and chilli 1 minute in a pan with a little oil. Add l

Pickling Port wine Leaf gelatin ...

Place the house block in soft in cold water. Warm the port wine up to 70 degrees C and dissolve the house blister. Set cold until next day.