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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Turmeric ...

Chili is cleaned for cereals and chopped fine. Spring onions are cleaned and chopped fine. Porrene cleaned, sk & ygrave; common and cut into oblong slices. The ginger peeled and grated fine. Bacon FRY, Turkey comes in a little after. Curry and turmeric Sau

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Cut some sections in Turkey Breast. Place the garlic, bacon, sundried tomatoes and Basil in the sections. Brown Turkey Breast at 225 degrees c. alm. oven for about 15 minutes. Turn the oven down to 180 degrees c. alm. oven, add the broth and let the Turkey

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Dried Rosemary ...

Saute the onion, garlic and bacon in butter for about 1 minute. Add the mushrooms and Rosemary, and saute it with for about 8 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the mixture into a large bowl. Share the meat into 2 portions and FRY each portion sepa

Cold cuts Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 Eggs ...

Cut the kalkunschitzlerne in finger-thick strips, and let them soak in lemon juice and pepper. Stir while forcemeat: Crumble the bread and pour the milk over. When the bread is soft, stir eggs, meat, salt, pepper and herbs in a form on 1 liter. grease with

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

Mushrooms (Big) is shared in hats and canes. (cancer is used for the filling) + 4 hats For the filling steamed it finely chopped shallots, finely chopped mushrooms and chopped sticks hats, grated ginger and peppers into small cubes about 5 min. in the butte

Mains Oregano, fresh Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Turkey Breast cut into 4 thick slices. Each piece of Turkey Breast chop to the side, forming a pocket. Stir butter soft and mixed with capers, chopped shallots, chopped olives, chopped fresh herbs and chopped mushrooms. The filling is added into the pockets

Mains Pepper Salt Quite pale celery cut into fine strips ...

Cut the meat into very thin strips. Grate first the meat in the oil in a wok or deep pan, then leeks, scallions, celery and carrots. Came fresh ginger in with the broth and soy sauce. Let it spin completed approximately 10 minutes, the vegetables should

Mains Egg white Pepper Brushing ...

Chop the butter into the flour and crumble it uniform. Add the egg yolk (save white) and spices and quickly collect the dough with cold water. Or got all the ingredients in a food processor, and the dough is gathered in record time. Put the dough in the refrig