Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Soups Fresh coriander Pepper Salt ...

Cut the pumpkin flesh into bite-sized pieces and chicken breasts into strips. Steam both tender in broth. Sauté the finely chopped onion and garlic, fintsnittet chili and grated ginger in oil and add Curry. Tube spice mixture into the soup and season with salt

Appetizers Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Boil in water with salt for the græskarret is tender. SI water from pressure and last water from. Blend it in a blender with eggs and cream and add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the mass up in an appropriate manner, and behind it in a water bath in the

Lunch Suit Pepper Salt ...

Pumpkin peeled and cut into cubes, Cook less tender and afdrypper. Brown the chopped onion in the butter and flour sprinkled on. Moisture and spices added. The gravy is stained Brown and pumpkin cubes in. Served with roasted potatoes and eggs, smiling

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Græskarret Peel and cut it into cubes. Slice the tomatoes and place in small pieces and simmer in a little oil. Add the broth and spices and let it cook for 10-15 minutes.

Soups Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Remove seeds and peel from græskarret. Left over will be approx. 250-300 g pure meat which cut into coarse cubes. Onion and garlic peeled and chopped fine. Sauté letgylden in fat before add the pumpkin cubes and Curry. Sauté of in 5 minutes before adding the b

Sides Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the tomatoes, chop them coarsely and joined them in a pan. Cook on a low heat for about 45 minutes until they are cooked all the way. Blended and pressed through a sieve, in order to keep any. skins and pips back. The mass came back into the Pan, and boi

Mains Eggs Heinz tomatkethup Pepper ...

You take the meat and forms it into patties turns them in egg and bread crumbs and put them on a hot pan, add salt and pepper and fry them. Well they are through fried takes you them a and puts them in a "Snug" oven while you prepare the sauce. Pour the vegeta

Salads Garlic A little over half a broccoli Pepper ...

The salad: Roast pine kernels so they are golden, who after you peel the carrots, and cut and broccolien flushes you and cut into small sticks and then the aperture you broccolien and carrots. Mix the pine kernels and the rough blazing salad together and put i