Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Flour

Cookies Grains of ½ stick vanilla Salt Egg yolk ...

Stir in butter, sugar and vanilla well. Add the egg yolk, orange zest, poppy seeds, flour and salt and knead the dough together. The dough can be rolled in the rods be cold and cut in ½ cm thick slices. The dough can also be rolled thin out with a rolling pin

Cookies Glaze Vanilla sugar Currants ...

Butter a baking pan at ca. 18x28 cm. and put wax paper in. Stir in butter and sugar well and stir in the eggs one at a time. Stir in vanilla sugar and flour in the dough. Glaze: Chop the nuts coarsely. Stir ingredients together and bred them into saucepa

Cookies Baking soda Oil Eggs ...

Sprinkle the sesame seeds on a hot skillet, add the oil and almonds and grate them golden brown while stirring. Whip eggs and sugar well. Add the oil, flour, baking powder and Sesame mixture. Line a small baking pan on 20x25 cm. with wax paper and pour the

Cakes Salt Strøgen TSP. antler salt Eggs ...

Tørdelene sifted together and break up the fat in it. The eggs are whisked together and kneaded together with the other to a glossy dough. If the dough is too firm, may be at the beginning of pressing add a little milk. 50 g raisins, currants or uskoldede,

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Eggs Sugar ...

Flour, salt and sugar, sifted. The margarine chopped in with a knife. The yeast is touched off me hand warm milk and pour into the flour. The dough is kneaded glossy and elastic, and made cash withdrawals 30 minutes. The dough is kneaded and shaped to be share

Cakes in form Baking soda Mashed banana Milk ...

Margarine, brown sugar and sugar whisked together, banana added and this whipped fluffy. The other ingredients are added. Cake bake in springform on oven at 175 degrees for about Groove Center. 45 min. Can possibly. combine with butter cream or decorating w

Cakes in form Apples Cinnamon Sugar ...

Flour, sugar, margarine, rice Krispies and cinnamon chopped together into a smuldredej. Apples peeled and cut into both and be layered in the ten pie dish, Sprinkled with a little sugar and cinnamon. Crumble dough sprinkled over. Bake for about 35 minutes a

Cookies Cream Baking powder Butter or margarine ...

Tørdelene sieve, the fat break into pieces and cream are added. The dough must rest for about 30 minutes, and then deploy them to a thin sheet which shall be cut into strips, which are shaped to plums. Brushed and turned into sugar. Bake light brown.