Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Flour

Cakes in form Dark chocolate Butter Apricot-jam ...

Melt the chocolate in a water bath and let it cool off. Stir in the butter, white with the sugar little by little. Stir in the egg yolks one at a time. Chocolate in little by little, came under heavy whipping. The dough should be light and airy in the flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Cream or egg for brushing Milk Salt ...

The butter is chopped out of the flour, the yeast and break into pieces in and mix with salt, ham and chives, and finally pour lukewarm milk in the Dough kneaded and shaped. to about 14 buns placed on baking sheet and warm in 20-30 minutes. Brushed with cre

Cakes in form Egg white Baking soda Powder coffee ...

Turn on the oven and set it at 175 degrees. Pipe the cake together. Pour batter into greased cake form with a chimney or rand terms. Set it on the bottom rib and behind my 45-50. Stir the glaze together. It must be quite thick and spreadable. Cover the c

Cookies Strøget TSP baking powder Grated must of 1-2 oranges Butter ...

The butter softened and stirred well with sugar, egg yolks and stir in orange peel, then mix the flour with the baking powder and half of Walnut kernels, the well drained and swabbed cocktail cherries and Seville oranges to (the rest is used for ornaments afte

Cakes Grated zest and juice of ½ Orange Buttermilk Bicarbonate of soda ...

Butter and sugar is stirred well, they together beaten eggs stirred in, little by little, cocoa, flour and bicarbonate of soda sifted and stirred alternately with sour milk. The dough lubricated out on a well-oiled roulade form (like paper) and bake at 225

Cakes in form Cream for brushing Apple coxorange Eggs ...

Butter and break into pieces in the flour, the yeast stirred into the sugar, and the whole thing is mixed well with the egg. Rests approximately 20 minutes. Approximately 2/3 of dough rolled out to a round plate, like a springform, together covered with butter

Cakes in form Eggs Good cooking chocolate Cooking chocolate ...

Boil the milk and chocolate together and refrigerate it. stir softened butter well with sugar, then with the beaten eggs. Sift flour and baking soda together and stir it in alternating with chocolate. Fill the dough in a well-oiled springform and bake the c

Desserts (patisserie) 1 ½ dl of whipped cream. whipping cream Vanilla, the grains of which Cocoa ...

Chop the butter into the flour and knead the dough with icing sugar, egg yolks, chocolate and cocoa. Let the rest cold some hours. Deploy the dough, stick-out round cakes and behind them by good heat 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. Can be stored in the can.