Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Flour

Cakes Egg yolk Corn starch Salt ...

Chop butter and flour together with sugar and salt and quickly collect the dough with egg yolk. Leave it cold for a few hours. Roll the dough into 2 cm thick and cut a rectangle of approx. 30 x 15 cm, laid on a baking sheet. Turn the blueberries with sugar and

Cakes Pearl sugar Egg white Eggs ...

Butter and sugar touches. Stir the egg in and add flour and nuts. Whip egg whites stiff and turn them in. Load baking paper on 2 plates and spread the dough on the plates with a palette knife. Sprinkle pear sugar and nuts over the dough. Bake the cakes on the

Cakes Bicarbonate of soda Cold milk Soft butter ...

Sieve flour, cocoa and soda together, add sugar, vanilla sugar, butter in lumps and milk. Stir the dough for 2 minutes, gently peel the eggs and stir in the dough for 2 minutes. Fill the dough into a small, well-baked pan (30x25 cm) and bag the cake at even he

Cakes Icing sugar Orange liqueur Vanilla sugar ...

Melt the butter. Beat the eggs thoroughly with sugar and mix the butter. Mix flour, baking soda and vanilla sugar and stir in alternately with 1 dl orange juice. Fill the dough into a small pan, spread and sprinkle with a thin layer of rasp. Bag the cake ap

Cakes Baking soda Salt Syrup ...

Margarine and sugar are mixed and add 1 egg at a time. Flour, cocoa, vanilla, baking soda and salt are mixed and added. Stir the syrup and nuts into a small frying pan. Bake at 175 ° bottom of oven for approx. 35 min.

Mains Parsley stems Leek-selleritop Salt ...

Bring the water to the boil with the soup dish (use only the stalk of the parsley). The rest is used for sprinkling and decorating. Put salt in. Bowl the cuvette and fry all grums before boiling. Put on the lid and let the cuvette cook for 50 minutes. For the

Sides Grapeseed Oil for freely ring Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Freeze the sprouts for the outer leaves and the bottom of the stick. Bring them to boiling water, let them boil and sprinkle them a little more than 5 minutes. Let them drip on a cloth. Divide the eggs into plums and whites. Stir the flour with beer, oil, egg

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Boil the peeled potatoes and cut them into slices. Melt the butter and stir it with the flour. Sprinkle with boiling milk and cream (this is a buttercup). Cook well and mix the potatoes. Taste with salt and pepper. Serve the stewed potatoes in a bowl and sprin