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Recipes with Flour

Mains Oil for baking Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Whip all the ingredients together to the dough, let it pull for about 1/2 hour at room temperature and then bag it as thin pancakes. Lay the pancakes on top of each other and they will remain soft. To the filling, season garlic and mushrooms in a saucepan o

Mains EVS. 1 tbsp. butter/margerine A little tomato ketchup A little wine vinegar ...

The skin is pulled by the hamburger back. If the meat is as good as greasy, lubricate a thin layer of butter / margarine on top. The hamburger rye is laid on an abundantly large piece of foil. Season the spices in a mortar and sprinkle over the meat, which is

Mains A little grated nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

The spinach is thawed, may be drained. And put in a greased oven dish. The hamburger rye is cut into thin slices and layered on the spinach. Butter and flour are baked together in a saucepan and sprained with milk and cream. The stew is cooked and boiled fo

Base recipes Brown cloud or soup Flour Butter/margarine ...

Butter / margarine albages with flour and sprinkle with liquid with stirring or whipping. Cold liquid is added several times, boiling liquid is added at once. For dark baking to brown sauce brown the fat before the flour is added and spoon with brown cloud

Cakes Coconut flour Flour Melted margarine ...

Margarine and sugar whipped. Add 1 egg at a time. Add the rest. Fill paper sizes 3/4 up. Bake at 200 degrees for approx. 15 min.

Soups A little grated lemon peel Nutmeg Cheese buns ...

The pears are cleaned and split lengthwise, rinsed well and cut into thin slices, swirled in oil, and the peas are added. The broth is poured over and it boils 10 min. Under cover. Meanwhile stir the butter frothy with egg, flour, lemon peel, salt and peppe

Cakes in form Egg yolk Icing sugar Dark chocolate ...

Whip egg and sugar frothy. Melt the fat and let it swell. Stir the fat into the egg yolks. Mix flour, baking soda, cocoa and vanilla sugar and stir in the dough alternately with jam and milk. Add orange peel. Bring the dough into frying pan about 30x40 cm.

Cakes Comments Oil Salt ...

Stir the yeast with sugar and salt. Lun milk and oil. Add it to the yeast, knead the dough with the other ingredients, allow it to rise for one hour. Peel the dough and divide it into 10 pieces, each of which is rolled out into a long sausage, which is shap