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Lunch recipes

Lunch Olive oil Whipped cream Pork loin ...

The meat is cut into millimeter thin slices. Season in olive oil on a pan for a very short time, take off and season with salt and pepper. The chopped onions are sautéed with mushrooms cut into slices. Add chopped parsley and whipped cream and cook it all t

Lunch EVS. 1-2 Bay leaves Button 1spsk coarse salt Pepper ...

Rip the sword all the way down to the meat with ½ cm of space - but avoid scratching in the meat itself. If the butcher has scratched the meat, it must be passed. Sometimes scratching is not deep enough - especially not in the pages. Be careful to get salt dow

Lunch Shallots Bay leaf Water ...

Meat, onions, garlic, celery, salt and spices are placed in a saucepan. White wine and water are added to cover the meat. Smoke under the lid for about 2½ hours, until the shanks are very tender. The shanks are picked up and the soup is cooked with even heat a

Lunch Egg for brushing Balsamic reduction Bread, such as durum flutes ...

Order pork tenderloin at the butcher a few days in advance. Tureen Brown the pork tenderloin in a small saucepan - first with the greasy side down. Brown the meat in a little oil if there is not any fat on the meat. Take the meat and brown carrot and bell

Lunch Balsamic reduction EVS. ½ tbsp oil Movies ...

portion Collations Order pork tenderloin at the butcher a few days in advance. Brown it in a small pot - first down the grease. Brown the meat in a little oil if there is not any fat on the meat. Take the meat and brown carrot and bell pepper cut into smal

Lunch Lemon Fresh peeled prawns Good paprika ...

Remove the skin and bones and the salmon fillets are cut into pieces like sirloin steaks. All ingredients are mixed and poured over the salmon pieces. Stands for at least 12 hours, but like a day. The pieces are reversed sometimes in the marinade. The salm

Lunch Button 1 pk yeast A little cardamom Milk ...

The dough must be so firm that the spoon can almost stand. Raise a little. Bake in water bath for approx. 2 hours. Served with greengrocer syrup and cracked pork, as well as "Beer with peel" which is whitewash with a (good) splash of splash.

Lunch A few whole Sage leaves Minced parsley Olive oil ...

Sweat lamb in small cubes in olive oil along with bacon cakes. Add chopped onion, 1-2 dried or 3 fresh chopped chillipeber, chopped parsley and a pair of whole sage leaves. Let it all spin dry for low heat, taste with salt. Serve the mixture on toasted b