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Lunch recipes

Lunch A little pepper A little salt Frying margarine ...

Heat a pan up to medium heat, add the fat, wait for it to turn golden, and the eggs will turn out on the forehead, making it easier by tapping the eggs against the edge of the forehead. Once the eggs have become solid, do not black, remove them and salt / p

Lunch A little Turkey bacon Melon Eggs ...

Place 200 g of egg on baking paper and behind it approx. 10 min at 200 degrees. Server with a little turkey bacon and melon.

Lunch Sesame seeds Eggs Salt ...

The yeast is stirred in the warm liquid (about 30 degrees) The other ingredients (not the sausages) and 2/3 of the flour are added. The dough is well kneaded and additional flour is added, until the dough's consistency is appropriate. (The dough must stick a

Lunch Fish mustard Whole milk Eggs ...

Boil approx. 2-4 eggs per Person until they are hard-boiled. Let the eggs cool and pil them. Then make a picked sauce, which calculates approx. 2 - 2½ dl. Milk per person. When the sauce has the right consistency, season it with (fish) sennop and the eggs c

Lunch Mixed salad Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Dill, fresh ...

Mix the flour with baking soda, soda, sugar and salt. The eggs are whipped together with buttermilk and oil and stirred in the flour mixture. Let the dough rest approx. 30 minutes. Bake for small thick pancakes in golden butter approx. 2 minutes on each sid

Lunch Pepper Salt Blue aalborg ...

Cream fraichen is whipped stiff with lime juice and peel. Season with salt, pepper and Blue Aalbog and mix it with the pebbles. Put on small toasted pieces of bread.

Lunch Onion Sour cream Salt ...

Rinse the rogue and remove the obstacles with an old-fashioned whipping cream and salt roast for approx. three hours. If the roe has become too salty, you can dilute it. Served on white bread with cremefraiche and finely chopped onions.

Lunch Eggs Brie or camembert Puff pastry ...

The whole blend, seasoned and cremefraiche is whipped up - reasonably thick. It is lubricated on the cheese that is placed on the batter, brushed with egg, closed, brushed and baked. Serve with creamy ribs, or other fruit.