Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Dressing Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Fresh chopped parsley ...

Mix the cream fry with mushrooms and parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Leave the dressing to stand cold for 1 hour and stir it before serving....

Mains Salt Freshly grated parmesan Onion finely chopped ...

To the sauce, the oil is heated in a pan and the onions are roasted approx. 3 minutes. Bring the squash slices and stir on stirring until they are tender but still crisp. Season with salt. In the meantime, the pasta is cooked al dente. Sieve. Save some of the ...

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Mushroom ...

The rice is boiled in 4 dl water added salt. Onions, mushrooms and squash are wrapped in oil. Rice, cream, milk and cheese are added. Season with salt and pepper. Pour into a greased ovenproof dish. Bake at 200 degrees for approx. 15 min....

Salads Eddieke dresing Iceberg Red onion ...

Cook the pasta and let it get almost cold. Salad and red onions are cut well and mixed in the pasta with the hamsters and corn. The dressing is added afterwards and the salt is stirred some time ...

Tip: Could possibly. Severes together with dressing...

Mains Baguettes and fresh green salad Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

The oven turns on to 175 degrees. The oil is heated in a pan. Squash, onion and garlic spoon on a pan for 10-15 minutes. Tomato puree stir together with fresh cheese, finely chopped herbs and salt and freshly ground pepper. A refractory dish is lubricated with...

Sides Pepper Salt Dried Basil ...

Prepare mashed potatoes after recipe. Melt butter in a thickened pot and season the onions. Add squash and tomatoes, basil, salt and pepper. Boil the vegetable mixture at even heat for 4-5 minutes. And taste it. Pour the mashed potatoes into a serving dish and...

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Frozen strawberries (other berries can also be used) Sugar ...

Blend the frozen berries roughly in a food processor. Slowly pour cream while still blending until the ice has a suitable thick texture. Continue blending while you get sugar until you think the ice cream tastes good. There's a lot to do in 6-10 tablespoons. B...

Sauces Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Cut the hard boiled eggs and peel the flowers out. Rub the flowers through a sieve. Stir the flowers completely smooth with mustard. Add olive oil to Mayonnaise, season with lemon juice, salt and freshly ground pepper. Add the finely chopped herbs and the fine...