Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Water sårn it covers the potatoes Kryderig vegeta Paprika ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into the toes. Stir the potatoes and thighs in a pan with a little oil for 20 minutes. Add salt pepper and paprika let it boil for 2 hours with the water and it should only cover the potatoes and the meat after they have cooked f...

Sides Garlic Olive oil Oregano ...

The eggplant is cut into 1.5 cm thick slices and placed on a bath plate with baking paper brushed with olive oil and pesto. Season with salt, garlic and oregano. Bake them approx. 10-15 minutes in a hot oven, 225 degrees C to the one golden....

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Little fresh tarragon ...

Potatoes are put in a pan, covered with water, add salt and boil the pot. Let the potatoes boil approx. 10 - 15 min.

Put a pot of water over a little salt and let the beans steam in the boiling water for 5 - 10 minutes. They must not be completely soft. Cut...

Mains Pepper Pressed garlic to taste (6 -10 bold is appropriate for my liking) Bicarbonate of soda ...

It all hurts well and pulls mine. 1 hour in the refrigerator, preferably from one day to the next. Shaped into small bowls or rolls. Stir on grill or on forehead....

Desserts (patisserie) Lemon balm Hazelnuts Meringue bottoms ...

The hazelnuts spread out on a baking sheet and shake at 225 degrees for 5-8 minutes, pour onto a dish and rinse the dishes. Hazelnuts are roughly chopped and cooled completely.

The cream is whipped to foam, nuts and vanilla sugar. Invert the strawberries an...

Drinks (cold) Brøndum snaps Large walnuts (green walnuts) ...

The walnuts are cut into quarters and added 1 bottle of snaps. The snap should now take 4 to 6 months, after which the walnuts are filtered off.

Waiting time can be used to enjoy the change of color with the walnut nose. After a couple of days, the snap is ...

Drinks (cold) Brøndum snaps Large walnuts (green walnuts) ...

The walnuts are cut into quarters and added 1 bottle of snaps. The snap should now take 4 to 6 months, after which the walnuts are filtered off.

Waiting time can be used to enjoy the change of color with the walnut nose. After a couple of days, the snap is ...

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Vanilla pod ...

Stir butter with sugar and sugar. Whip the egg in. Mix flour, soda and vanilla and stir in the dough. Add raisins and peanuts. Distribute the dough into small biscuits with two spoons on the baking sheet, give them a little pressure on the center. Bake the cak...