Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Pickling Panchpora Salt Whole fresh green chili ...

Heat the oil in a heavy pot of medium fluff. When the oil is cooked, panchpora comes in. Let the spices sew and run for a few seconds, but be sure they do not burn. Then bring the whole red chili, stir once and add garlic and ginger. Stir the spices with stirr...

Pickling Mango chutney Plain yogurt ...

Ingredients are stirred together in a small bowl. Store in a refrigerator until the cabinet is used....

Pickling Freshly ground pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Rinse the tomatoes and flake them. Divide the tomatoes into quarters, scrape the kernels and cut the tomatoes into cubes. Arrow the bulbs and cut them into cubes. Cut the chiliies, remove the kernels and chop the chili peas into small pieces. Heat the oil in a...

Pickling Pepper Salt Strong coffee ...

Cut the swords into the tern a approx. 1 / 2x1 / 2 cm. Cut the pickled beetroot into a little smaller tern. Cut the raw beetroot into a small tern. Bring the cheeses to the boil with pickles, vinegar, spices and coffee. Boil approx. 6-8 minutes until the cheek...

Pickling Ground ginger Nutmeg Cooked beets into cubes ...

Bring all the ingredients except the beets in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Let it cook at low heat approx. 20 minutes. Add the beetroot and cook 10 minutes more. Distribute the mixture into hot jams and close them when the contents have become cold....

Pickling Parsley Grated coconut Salt ...

Peel the mango fruit. Cut the meat free from the stone into thin boats. Serve the mango bowls on a dish sprinkled with chopped chilli, parsley, salt and slightly grated coconut....

Pickling Spices e.g: coriander nigelle piement d ´ esper facilitate carvi and fennel seeds Little pineapple, if desired. half of a large Kumquats ...

The red peppers are cut in half and roasted for a few minutes under the grill, after which they are cut and cut into strips. Kumquats cut in half and boil tenderly with the stuffed pearls in a saucepan. The raw pineapple and mango are cut into the tern. The sp...

Pickling Fresh red chilli Solid mango fruit Salt ...

Rinse the chili. Peel the mango fruit and apples. Cut the mango seed from the stone. Remove the core from the apples. Cut the mango chicken and the apples into smaller pieces and chop the chilli. Smash all the ingredients together under the lid for 25 minutes....