Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sides Button camel milk Salt Eggs ...

First, cut the old bread into small croutons. If the bread is fresh, shake or rise so they get crisp. Choose the best flour (flour) you can get. Mix water, milk, egg and salt and add flour to dough is even and bubbles and not hanging at the bowl. Mix the crout...

Pickling Rowan berries Sugar per litre juice ...

Rinse the bean berries thoroughly in water and cook them all in so much water that it can be seen between the berries. Boil to the blemishes and hold them on boil some min, so the juice can pull into the water, pour them into juice bag and let them drip off ov...

Porridge & gruel Sugar Vanilla sugar Ideal b jævning u/color ...

The miracles are washed, cracked and ejected.

The berries are boiled in the water under low approx. 5 min. The moss is sweet.

Ideal jam and vanilla sugar are piped into 1 cup of cold water and poured into the fruit at one time and the boil is boiled for ...

Lunch (to go) Extra flour for kneading Little herbal vinegar Maldon salt ...

Make the dough using half the liquid, yeast, sugar and salt while stirring the flour gently. Add more liquid gradually after all is touched. Now you can start to knead carefully! Spend some extra flour and sprinkle. Use hands and elbows for 4 to 5 minutes for ...

Mains Mushroom or 250 g fresh mushrooms Mushroom soup Sour cream ...

Divide the chicken into serving pieces and put it in a refractory dish.

Boil mushroom soup. Step the fresh mushrooms golden. Pour creme fraiche and mushrooms into the soup. Pour it over the chicken and sprinkle the almonds over. Step in the middle of the ov...

Cakes in form Large cup of milk Desiccated coconut Icing sugar ...

Bring eggs and sugar well, milk, flour, baking soda, cocoa and vanilla and finally stir the melted margarine. Bake in panes (30 * 40 cm) at 170 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

The ingredients of the decor are melted into a pan and lubricated on the cak...

Sides Egg yolk Feta Freshly ground pepper ...

3 plates of butterdej dissolve and roll out. Of each plate cut about 8 squares (5x5 cm.). The edges are brushed with egg yolk and 2 cubic feet in the middle. If using feta in the make, the terns should be flushed before use. Grind a little pepper and fold the ...

Mains Honey Chicken wings Liquid smoke ...

Divide the wings into three and throw the tips. There should be about 36 pieces.

Pour the ingredients into marinade in a saucepan and stir it together and simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Put the chicken wings in a large glass bowl and cover with ¾ of the s...