Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (patisserie) Icing sugar Green food coloring Baking soda ...

Whip egg and sugar thick and foaming. Mix the two kinds of flour and baking soda and gently turn it in. Distribute the dough into 2 greased baked cakes, approx. 23 cm in diameter. Behind the bottoms 6-8 min. At 225 degrees. Turn them out on a grill to ...

Desserts (cold) Cayenne pepper Salt Lemon ...

Pour the fish powder into the white wine, pour it into a pan and bring it to a boil. Bring the chopped mustard onion and let the sauce boil for 10 minutes. Filter the sauce and let it boil 3 minutes with half of the creme fraichen. Mix the egg yolk with the re...

Sauces Cloves Pepper Salt ...

Slice 3 cloves into each onion and cook the onions for 1 hour in the milk. Mix the onions with 2/3 of the milk in a blender. Crumble French bread and blend again. Season with salt and pepper and let the sauce simmer approx. 20 min. On faint extinguishes.


Sauces Pepper Saffron Salt ...

Pull the flavor out of the fennel seeds by putting them in warm milk for 10 minutes. Whip the egg yolks for 5 minutes over low heat. Filter the milk and add it while still whipping. Add crème fraiche, saffron, salt, pepper and hot sauce for 3 minutes without b...

Sauces Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Cut the onions in thin slices and steam them in the butter without taking color. Add curry and let it burn off. Pour the broth and let the sauce boil for 20 minutes. Stir the flour into a little sauce and put it in the sauce. Let it boil and thicken with stirr...

Sauces Tarragon Chervil Pepper ...

Bring wine, broth and oil into a pan and let it boil until the mixture is reduced to half. Dip the heat and add chopped garlic, chives, chopsticks, parsley, esdragon and carrots. Season with salt and pepper. When the sauce returns to the boiling point, add the...

Sauces Cayenne pepper Paprika Salt ...

Chop the onion and garlic cloves and let them take color in the oil. Add the tomato, the juice and the peel from the oranges and lemon and the Madeira. Season with salt, peppers and cayenne pepper. Heat gently the sauce for 10 minutes, filter and sprinkle with...

Salads Leaves of 2 sprigs Basil Leaves of 2 sprigs of fresh coriander The leaves of a very small sprig tarragon French ...

Nip the strawberries and cut them into smaller pieces. Add the two kinds of citrus peel and juice and sugar and stir well. Add spices, salt and chopped herbs. Flip Salads. Let it pull for approx. 10 minutes, and adjust the spice - it may be a bit more of it al...