Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Pickling Cinnamon Cayenne pepper Mustard powder ...

The bananas are put into vinegar in a pan for 2 hours until they are soft. In between, they are carefully turned with a wooden box.

Sugar, chopped chilli and onions come in, all of it is boiled up. Let it cool off. Come in with the raisins, taste with curry...

Pickling White cabbage Red grapefruit juice thereof Salt ...

Peel the cucumbers, remove the kernels and cut them into slices. Sprinkle them with half a tablespoon of salt and let them pull for a moment. Meanwhile, chopped grapes, red onion finely chopped, tomatoes cut into tern, cabbage cut into fine strips and finally ...

Pickling Chili pepper Ground ginger Whole roasted cumin kommensfrø breakable ...

The tamarind stock is soaked in a porcelain bowl in 3 dl warm water for ½ hour. Afterwards, the soaked mass is carefully crushed with the back of a spoon or with your fingers, making it a thick weed. Now add another 2½ dl of warm water, mix thoroughly and leav...

Pickling Yellow melatin (40 g) Unsweetened raspberry juice Sugar ...

The juice is added with stirring Yellow Melatin. Heat to boiling point and cook for 1 minute. Stir the sugar into. The gel is brought to boiling quickly and boiled for 1 min. First calculate cooking time from the moment the entire surface bubbles. When the sur...

Dressing White pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

The ingredients are whipped together and seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Simple but tasty....

Drinks (cold) Ice cream Lemon juice Triple sec (orange liqueur) ...

Crush the ingredients into a smooth pure. Poured into a whiskey glass that has been dipped in egg white and salt. For an extra refreshing taste, use a pair of mint leaves, either mixed from the start or as a decorative piece....

Dressing Fresh finely chopped dill Pepper Salt ...

The ingredients for the dressing are stirred together...

Sides Olive oil Oregano Paprika ...

Take 2 pieces of staniol Put some oil on the middle Put a little onion on the bottom (so the feta do not stick) Put on grease and put on onion pepper and tomato and sprinkle with oregano and paprika and pour some oil over. Grab the foil together so that it bec...