Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Rose juice White wine ...

Rose juice mixed with white wine. Serve with ice cubes.

Mains Pepper Salt Star anise ...

Start with to score the fat on the calves tyndstegsfileten. Let butter and oil be browned in a skillet or in a frying pan and Brown the roast well on all sides by good heat. Then put the roast in a small roasting pan or a heat-proof platter of appropriate size

Mains Pepper Salt Freshly grated ginger ...

RIDs the fat on the calves tyndstegsfileten. Let butter and oil be browned in a skillet or in a frying pan and Brown the roast well. Then put the roast in a small roasting pan or a heat-proof platter. Season with salt and pepper. Set now the tanned skins of

Mains Flûtes Pasta, URf.eks. fresh, green tagliatelle Pepper ...

Put the Turkey Breast in a small buttered baking dish. Butter with melted butter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Brown Turkey meat in 15 minutes at 225 degrees. Pour white wine and water and let it cook further by 160 °. Then the meat rest for 20 min. wrapp

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Rinse, clean and cut vegetables. Chop Basil and mix it with the butter. Cut a pocket in the kulkunbrystet and got butter mixture in there. Close the hole with a kødnål. Turkey Breast Brown on the Pan and place in tinfoil with white wine. Got it in the oven

Mains White pepper Pepper Juice of ½ lemon ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices, chop the onions fine skalotte. Add onion and mushrooms in the bottom of a greased ovenproof dish. Søtungefiletterne sprinkle with salt and pepper. Folded and placed on top of the onions and mushrooms. Pour th

Mains A few sprigs of thyme A few Bay leaves Reven should of 1 lemon ...

Cut veal slices into the edge and cut the onions in slices. Mix the flour, slat and pepper. Turn the meat in it. Brown them in oil in a pan. Brown the sliced onions. Came skankeskiverne in the Pan, pour the white wine and boil into a few minutes. Stir in pe

Mains Pepper Salt Mushrooms ...

Kapunerne istandgøres and ituskæres. Fat Brown quite easily, and the shredded onion Brown herein together with pieces of meat. White wine is added, and at very low heat mørnes the meat ½-¾ hour now. The cream is added, and the cleaned mushrooms cooked with ca.