Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Soups Avocado pulp Dill Shrimp ...

Arrow the prawns. Put the shells in a pan and pour 3 dl water in. Cook for 10 min. without lid. SI shells from and cook soup until approx. 1 dl. Pour the two cans lobster soup into a saucepan and warm gently up. Dilute with water, wine and broth from shrimp sh

Soups Lobster tails (scampi) by server no Thyme Cayenne pepper ...

Husk toasting well, vegetables, tomato paste, peppercorns, Bay leaves, paprika, cayenne pepper, Horseradish and share entire reversed well around. White wine and add the Fund and it all cooked good through 1 – 1 ½ hour. The shells sieved from and soup me

Mains Vegetables New potatoes Pepper ...

Start with the sauce: Came wine and broth in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Smooth with flour udrørt in a little broth. Whip cream and egg yolk together and whip it in. Warm it to near the boiling point, while being touched. Mix in the herbs and season with

Mains A little butter Some leaves fresh basil Pepper ...

Grouse cleaned for remaining feathers and rinse out-and inside. Then prepare the filling. Parsley, basil, onion, garlic, chopped finely, like 1/2 hønsebouillon cube in food processor. The mixture is filled into quails. In a frying pan heated butter and oil.

Mains Duck fat or clarified butter Butter Soup may ...

Cut pheasant breasts off, but let the meat stay on the breast bone. Part then the pheasant in the back, thighs and drumsticks. Cut the meat from the thighs and cut it then into strips. Do the herbs to the Fund. Cut the herbs rough and Brown in a thick-botto

Mains An average onion Thin slices of a small carrot Sour cream ...

Animal back trim. Everything for the marinade gets a slight rehash, cooled, poured over the animal back, which then must pull 5-6 hours. Animal back be taken out of the marinade, wipe carefully swabbed all over with the melted butter, put on baking pandens

Mains Pepper Salt Tarragon ...

Ox bow Brown in oil and butter on both sides in a pan. Sprinkled with salt, pepper and tarragon, wine, and water is poured into the meat some gruel is under the lid. for about 2 hours, until it is tender. After 1 hour met the halved pitted plums in the sauc

Mains Pepper Salt Corn starch ...

Ox bow Brown in oil and butter on both sides in a pan. Sprinkled with salt, pepper and tarragon. Wine and water is poured into the meat some gruel is under the lid. for about 2 hours, until it is tender. After 1 hour met the halved pitted plums in the sa