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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Almond flakes Cocoa Salt ...

Eggs and sugar (the large amount of sugar makes pasties special) whipped together. In this mix vanilla sugar, salt, cocoa, flour and finally melted, but cooled butter. The dough will be distributed in 12 buttered muffin-or lens molds made close in a small r

Cakes in form Brown sugar Sugar Baking soda ...

Whip two kinds of sugar, and eggs are golden, and fluffy. Melt the butter and stir it in. Mix cocoa, flour and baking powder, and stir it into the batter. stir the milk in. tubes eventually boiling water in the dough. set of metal-shaping on baking sh

Cakes in form Eggs together whipped Baking soda Icing sugar ...

Mix the flour, baking powder, sugar and coffee powder in a bowl. Melt the butter and let it cool slightly. Stir in eggs, milk and butter in melblandingen with a røreske, just for the dough is mixed, but don't touch for long, so will the cakes heavy. Divide the

Cakes in form Brown sugar Sugar Baking soda ...

Whip two kinds of sugar, and eggs are golden, and fluffy. Melt the butter and stir it in. mix cocoa, flour and baking powder and stir it into the batter. Stir the milk in. Tubes eventually boiling water in the dough. Set of metal-shaping on baking sheets

Cakes in form Salt Vanilla pod Milk ...

Mix all the dry (flour, baking soda, salt, sugar, cocoa and vanillekorn) together in a bowl. Whisk eggs, milk and melted butter together in another bowl. Tubes so slowly the wet into the dry, so it doesn't lump. Divide the batter into small papirsforme or smea

Cakes in form Vanilla sugar Raspberries, fresh Wheat flour ...

Got the butter and chopped chocolate in a saucepan and place over low heat. Stir until butter and chocolate are melted. Let it cool off. Got eggs, vanilla sugar and sugar in a bowl and whisk well until paste is light and creamy. Gently turn the flour, groun

Cakes Icing sugar Almonds Water ...

Mix the flour well with sugar, crumble the fat in it and add the raisins. Warm milk and stir the yeast out herein and knead it all together well. Style dough to uplift on a warm place about 30 minutes. Roll the dough out, shape it like a man, wife (or anyth

Bread, buns & biscuits Sprinkle w/a little chopped nuts Yeast Cold sour cream or soft vanilla ice cream ...

1. day: (mix in a large bowl) 3 dl milk, easy-tempered 1 ½ dl sugar 2 ½ cups flour Little bit of yeast on the size of a pea. + little salt. Everything is mixed well. Cover with plastic wrap. It will be good to be tart and fizzes and bubbles well. It take