Recipes with Sugar
Batter for waffles: Butter whipped with sugar and egg yolks. Flour, whipping cream, vanilla sugar, cinnamon, and salt are added, and the stiftpiskede egg whites turned into. Thaw raspberries clean up, and turn the juice in the dough. Filling: whip the cream to
Husblasen soak in cold water. Slice the mango fruits through lengthwise. Peel mango, three of the half and cut the meat into smaller pieces. Com 1/3 of mango flesh in a saucepan with orange juice, 1 tablespoon water and half of the sugar. Put lid on and cook o
Chicken peaches and pull the skin off of them. Halve and udsten them. Hollow-out the halves easy, so there will be room for the stuffing. Mash the pulp with a fork. Crumble the makronerne and RAC them with 2 tablespoons of marsala. Ferskenkød and add the sugar
Cut a lid of the oranges and hollow-out them with a small-tipped knife or with a so-called grapefruit knife. Cut the Orange flesh from membranes and cut it into small pieces. Stir cream fraichen together with egg yolk and sugar and mix the Orange pieces in. No
Melt the margarine + milk "not too hot" add the yeast and sugar "which is mixed in advance" Beat the 2 eggs which put in but a little flour (a) transition Must raise about 1/2 hour.
Form dough balls "not too big the raises very" and let them raise in 15 min
Rinse the melon and cut a lid of a piece down. Scrape the seeds out and ditch most of the flesh out with a spoon. Cut the flesh into cubes, put it in a bowl and sprinkle with a little sugar. Peel the apples and pears, share them in both. Remove the seed cell.
Chocolate basket: Chocolate is melted. On a disposable cups (plastic mugs or the like) that is turned on its head, a piece of square cellophane-paper over the bottom of the mug, which printed a little fast. The chocolate is poured over the paper so that the sl
Set the oven at 200 degrees. Bleep, halvér and udkern the peaches and place them on a plate with wax paper. Benefit blåbærene in the holes and dripping with orange juice. Beat the egg whites to the foam and add the sugar a little at a time. Advantage of mareng
Recipe categories
- Appetizers 1338
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- Drinks (warm) 227
- Desserts (cold) 2416
- Desserts (warm) 707
- Desserts (patisserie) 394
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- Cakes in form 2822
- Cake add-ons 139
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- Base recipes 234
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- Receptions 34
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- Various 328