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Recipes with Sugar

Sides Sea salt Pepper from the grinder Juice from ca. 1/2 lemon ...

Peel parsley roots. Cut them lengthwise into sticks about 1 x 1 x 5 cm. Turn with lemon juice, lemon zest, olive oil, garlic and thyme. Season with sugar, salt and pepper. Com parsley roots in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven and bake them crisp-tender (35

Fruits Red currant jelly Vanilla sugar Water ...

Applesauce: They washed, peeled apples is shared in both. Cored, flower and stem removed. The apples are cut into small pieces and boil with water under the lid. The bog be sweetened and season with Vanila and cool. Custard: Sugar, corn flour and vanillekor

Sides Sugar Fresh thyme leaves Freshly squeezed lemon juice ...

Butter sauce: getting all the ingredients in a large saucepan and bring them to a boil. Add the vegetables and cook them by even heat and under the lid for about 4 min. Stir occasionally. Add the thyme leaves and season to taste. The vegetables can be varie

Drinks (cold) Cognac Oranges Lemon ...

Rinse the oranges and Lemons and cut them into thin slices, cutting more than once. Put the fruit in a Glass Bowl or pitcher and sprinkle sugar over. Then pour the red wine by and Cognac'en. Style Sangria'en for cooling. When it must be drunk pours you a

Mains Olive oil Salt Oregano, dried ...

Stir in fermented out in the lukewarm water. Getting oil in the mixture. Mix the flour in a little at a time, it is not safe you need to use it all. Let dough raise min. half an hour with a damp cloth. Mix tomato puree, finely grated onion, pressed garlic,

Cakes in form Cacao Bicarbonate of soda Jam (your favorite) ...

Preheat the oven to 170 °. Term the dry ingredients together. Mix butter, sugar, jam and water into a saucepan and warm the butter is melted. Take the Pan from the heat. Mix it in melblandingen and pour batter into a greased springform and bake for approximate

Cakes Sugar Butter Egg yolk ...

Mix the flour and sugar. Crumble the cold fat in it, for it has a texture like grated cheese. Add the egg yolks and reassemble the quick dough. The dough is very soft, the rest in the fridge for ½-1 hour. Roll the dough out and place it in a pie dish. Roll

Cakes in form Salt Ginger encountered Cinnamon ground ...

Salted mix in the flour. Butter and fat cut into small pieces and mix with the flour. The dough come together quickly with water. The dough must not be over kneaded, and warm if you want pien crisp. The dough be wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerato