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Recipes with Sugar

Cookies Eggs Egg white Sugar ...

Mix everything together and push the mass together in the hand to the small peaks. Style them on baking sheets with wax paper and set them in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for about 12 min. Can possibly. dip in melted chocolate.

Cakes in form Water Almond essence Baking soda ...

Margarine is stirred with sugar. The eggs are whisked in one at a time. Wheat flour and baking powder mix and added with boiling water and almond essence. Bake in baking pan ca. 23x33 cm. in 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees C alm oven. A glaze of powdered su

Pickling A little lemon juice A little water Berry ...

Cook the berries and sugar, water and lemon juice together, season to taste, cream of along the way. Mix melatinen with a bit of sukkereet and sprinkle it in the berries. Be cooked through in one minute.

Cakes Atamonpulver or 1 tsp. liquid atamon Quinces Water ...

They swept quinces boil in the water under the lid approx. 45 min. They peeled off, cut to pieces and boil for ½ liter of boiling water about 20 minutes, until tender. It all rubbed through a sieve. Puree is measured, mixed with sugar and boil without the l

Pickling Quince. raw Sugar Lemon ...

Steam kvæderne in 20 min. in as little water as possible. Peel them, cut them into smaller pieces and remove the hard core. Peel the ginger and chop it finely. Cut the yellow lemon peel thin from with a knife or peeler. Share in 2 lemons and squeeze t

Pickling Sugar Stocked vinegar Small Japanese quinces ...

Boil water, storage a pickle vinegar, sugar and ginger. Wash and peel the kvæderne, remove the flower stalk and scrape. Boil kvæderne tender in bed sheet, try with a knitting needle, take them along with the ginger up in glass or jar, boil the brine into the i

Cakes in form Butter to form Baking soda Sugar ...

Mix flour, sugar and baking powder. Crumble the fat in melblandingen. Got water or egg yolk in. Work fast dough together. Allow to stand cold 15 min. Roll the dough out to two small cakes, approximately 15 approximately in diameter. If it deploys the dough

Sides Sugar Summer peas Butter ...

Makes the vegetables in a position. Take the peas out of the pods. Part majroerne in half. Came the turnips, parsley roots and carrots in a pan with butter, sugar and a little water. Season with salt and pepper. Put a lid on and steam the vegetables 4-5 min