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Recipes with Rice

Mains Spices after own needs Pepper Salt ...

Chilli pot: melt butter, saute the chopped onion and garlic. Add the meat and fry it. Then add the minced chili pepper, beans in chili sauce, water, salt, spices. The Court boiled in low heat for approx. 10 min. Rissalat: Boil the rice in the water and

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon (juice and grated to be) ...

Saute garlic in oil. Add the rice and sauté in 2 minutes. Add the broth, white wine, lemon juice and half the amount of grated lemon zest, salt, pepper and thyme. Cook the rice, stirring until tender, but with "bite". Remote shell on the thawed shrimp. Whe

Mains Oil Pepper Rice ...

Chicken cut into cubes and FRY in oil until it is half URstegt.tag it up by woken onion and garlic tomatoes, diced into small cubes and FRY my 3minutter supler with more oil in brocoli florets carrots sliced asparagus sliced baby corn, sliced red peppers in lo

Mains Pepper Salt Accessories ...

Stir the meat with havergryn, milk, eggs, pepper and salt. Stir thoroughly to the forcemeat has a suitable consistency. Boil a pot of water up with a little broth cube. Form dough balls with a spoon and boil them in water, which must not boil too krafigt

Mains Paprika Salt Lied ...

put a pan on the burner and put baconnet on. Inserts løjene into strips and put them on then, too. Let it cook a little and add a bit of paprika to give a little color. put so kyllingenternene and rice on and let it get Golden. Add the ham strips and season wi

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Bacon roasted in a pan is taken up on fedsugende paper and saved for garnish. Tenderloin cut into slices and reversed in flour and Brown in the Pan, be taken up on a plate. The onion into half slices Brown along with mushroom in skver. Add the tomato

Soups Minced parsley Celery Leek ...

Celery cut into cubes and FRY in plenty of oil with 1 tsp. fragrant Oriental curry powder in a saucepan. Then add 2 liters of broth and 11/2 dl rice with short cooking time (solve rice). The glory boils approx. 10-15 my while cut 300 g. delicious cod fillet

Mains A small handful of chopped parsley Kalvefon Mozzarella cheese in brine ...

set the oven at 200 streets (C) Chop vegetables and mix kavlefonen genuine and the kakkede tomatoes together then Mix in beef and leave it for a little while cleans you peberfrugt ener and washes them well so you fill them just with the stuffing and put them