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Recipes with Rice

Mains Olive oil Pepper Rice ...

Cut the slice into small pieces and pour into the oil. Add a little more oil and stir the chicken until they have just passed. Meanwhile the pepper is cut into the tern and boiled with 2-3 min. Stir the curry off quickly and then bring milk and kale milk into,

Mains EVS Pepper Liberally salted water ...

Rub another with salt and pepper and fill it with the rinsed grains. Sew the other seamlessly together and put it in a pan of game-boiling, lazy-water, which just covers. Boil another - yes, it must boil - low for approx. 1 hour. Take another of the saucepan a

Sides Sea salt Rice Soy ...

Cook the rice according to the instructions on the package Cut the choo into pieces, the stalk of the slices and the leaves in coarse pieces. Stir the stalks with 1 onion in fine slices in warm olive oil for 2-3 min. Then add the leaves and continue for a few

Mains Curry Pepper Rice ...

Start cutting the meat into terns. The meat is drizzled curry over the meat and stirring until it is tender and put into a bowl and shred the cooktail sausages in 3 shakes, sprinkle the curry over and put them into the bowl and add the campignon and put it int

Mains Cayenne pepper An entire carved chicken el 12 paragraph thighs Pepper ...

Brown chicken pieces in olive oil - pick them up after they have browned a little. Step onion, pepper and garlic. Add saffron - salt - 1 lemon pepper and lemon juice. Then add ¼ cup olive oil and 8 dl. Chicken stock and 6 dl. Rice - Finally put the chicken

Mains Pepper Salt Red chili pepper ...

An oven-proof rubbed with butter. Pears and chili are cleaned and cut well. The fish is dried and the tomatoes are cut into slices. The dish is filled in layers. Season with salt, pepper and estragon between layers: 1) cut leek and chili 2) Fish - next

Mains Onion Oregano Paprika ...

Steaks: uncooked salt pepper creme fraice garlic thoroughly stirred together Then a slice of bacon rolled over the steaks and they were cooked on a pan with a little margarine Accessories: 5 dl Jasmin rice boiled in 8 dl. Water and a mess of butter 2 Eggs

Mains Spring onions (depending on size) Salmon steaks Rice ...

Cut the onions in small thin slices, wrap them on a forehead and put aside, but keep warm. Step the salmon on the pan until they are cooked, serve with rice and pour spring onions. Sauce; White wine sauce fits super to;) tips: You can possibly. Put rice