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Recipes with Rice

Mains Eggs Peas Feta ...

Mix it all together, the margarine on the pan between the heat and put a big spoon of mixture on the forehead, turn when the rice is crispy Tastes so good only imagination sets limits on filling

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Cut the meat into large cubes, put into a pan, cover with water and boil and boil for a couple of minutes. The meat is taken up and rinsed well and the water is poured and the pot is rinsed. The meat is put back in the pot of water poured over to cover and

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Procedure: Season the meat with salt and pepper. Brown them in margins. Mix water, tomato juice and curry and pour over. Bring it to a boil, turn it down and put on the lid. Let it simmer a little for 1 hour. Even with maizena.

Mains Chili Salt Rice ...

Rinse the chicken fillets and dip them dry. Yoghurt, curry, salt and chili are stirred together and the chicken fillets are marinated in the mixture and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Let the chicken dripping and place on a plate (or dish) and put

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Mix a marinade of soy and sweet chilisovs, the chicken fillets marinate for approx. 30 min. Clean the vegetables and cut them into suitable pieces. Stir the glazing of oil, honey and vinegar. Brown chicken fillets for approx. 2 min on each side of the grill. L

Mains Pineapple rings Mandatinfiletter Pepper ...

Stir scratch in the fat layer, season with salt and curry. Set in the oven at 200 degrees C alm. Oven for about 1½ hours. Removes from the oven and rests on my cover. 20 minutes before cutting the steps. The grease from the pan can be used in the sauce.

Lunch Lots of fresh herbs of your choice Pepper Salt ...

Boil the rice in water with salt as instructed on the package. Let the rice cool off. Boil the corn 3 to 5 min. In some water added salt. Cool the corn off. Rinse the pepper and remove seeds and seeds. Cut the pepper in small tern the size of peas. Stir oil

Mains Rice Cruiser or tangy cream cheese Skinned tomatoes ...

Put chicken files in a saucepan. Bring cheese and benefit it easily. Add tomatoes. Stir around periodically to distribute the cheese properly. Let it boil until the chicken is ready .. Taste with spices .. tips: Served with rice or pasta to shorten th