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Recipes with Rice

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Brown the Turkey Breast in the butter with salt and pepper, fine and golden. put it in a dish and set it in a preheated oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for 30 minutes. While you fry the mushrooms with salt and pepper, and toss them into the Turkey for a fu

Mains Chicken Fund Red curry paste (URf.eks. santa maria) Rice ...

Slice the chicken breasts into small pieces. Sprinkle with salt and white pebder. Chop the garlic and chili pepper. Clean the vegetables and cut into smaller pieces. Got a little olive oil in a hot wok or deep pan-pan. Saute the garlic and chili pepper qu

Sides Pepper Turkey bacon Salt ...

Arrow and finely chop the onion, Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices. Leek is cleaned thoroughly and cut into thin slices. Heat oil in a pan, and gently fry the vegetables. Pour in the rice and sauté a little with the vegetables. The water poured

Appetizers Flutes Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice in salted water about 20 min and cool them. The prawns onto the ham, cut into strips. The apples and peeled and cut into cubes. Peberfrugten cut into cubes. Mix with rice and shrimp. To stir the mayonnaise dressing with sour cream and onions. Add

Mains Beans and mushrooms Soy Green pepper ...

Mix melted butter, water and ymer, add fermented, stir well, and add the flour and salt. Knead the dough and let it raise half an hour-an hour. Knead again, form 4 long flutes and let them raise a 15-minute time. Cut the cabbage into strips, inserts and

Mains Wheat flour Bacon, sliced Cherry tomatoes ...

Pork Tenderloin cut into 5, and knock, then thin and cut into pieces. Put the pieces on a tellerken. Share the bacon into 3, and willow pieces from each other (makes it easier for later), and share the sausages in the 2. Get started by finding a tellerken f

Mains Green haricot verts A little rose water Salt ...

Came the chicken in the freezer (it must lie there in my 20 mins.). Smut tonsils (this is done most easily by putting them in soak in a bowl with a lid, in boiling water and change the water 2-3 times with new boiling water). Clean and cut all the vegetables

Mains Bread/baguette Kotelletter (1-2 per person) Rice ...

1. first heats the fat in a frying pan. 2. then Throw karryen on and "burn it off";) (warm it approximately 1 min.) 3. Turn oven on 180gr (alm). 4. close purrene at koteletterne about to sear them on the forehead of each page 3-5 min (until there is so much