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Recipes with Rice

Lunch Asparagus (may be omitted) Maynaise Margerine ...

Cook the rice after cooking out in ildfastfad, mixed with ham, asparagus, margerine. Egg white whipped quite stiff, mix with maynaisen Tips: Accessories: baguettes, butter sauce.

Mains Basil Barbecue spice Pepper ...

Boil the rice. Brown okskekødet Meanwhile, season with grill seasoning, salt and pepper and basil. Chop peberfrugten and onion. Mix rice, beef, onion and bell pepper together. Serve Immediately. Tips: Can you like garlic, tzaziki to server. Try also wi

Mains Boil for 10 minutes pulling in 10 min Pepper Salt ...

A good oil is spread in the Pan/wok'en. Pork fried with chili/soy bean-oil ... Let the meat browned, and add water-soursauce mixture. Simmer 10-15 my ... (pour the gravy and meat on a plate before you start on the vegetables) Leek, Zucchini and red pepper + g

Soups Hønsebullion Milk and/or cream Pepper ...

Cut all the vegetables in coarse pieces. Brown them in the bottom of a pot until they have got color. Add the curry powder and let it burn. Add water to the vegetables are covered and let the buldrerkoge to all the vegetables are completely tender. Blend the

Mains Paprika Pepper Rice ...

's chicken mix the feta with garlic, oil and herb de provence. put it in the chicken and place it in a baking dish brush with oil and cruiser chicken with salt pepper and paprika approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes in the oven at 180grader hot air serve

Mains Salt Ground beef or finely chopped kyllingkød Leeks onions and peppers ...

Pancakes: the dough mixed to a lot, which can be rolled out on a table, with two similar-sized, round and thin pancakes. There is complied with a thin layer of oil on the one pancake, and the other is added then upstairs. The double pancake is cut into four

Mains URf.eks. all round spice Pepper Rice ...

4 tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms and onions cut into fine cubes and sauté in the pan. Like in this order: Onion-mushroom-cucumber-tomato When it is golden, add the peeled tomatoes and then garlic. Season with salt and booed-and possibly. other spices accor

Mains Pepper Onion Salt ...

Cook rice as directed on package. Sauté the finely chopped onion in the oil/margarine until clear add the paprika and fry it a little with, add ground beef and mix for meat have shared it, salt and pepper are added along with broth, let it småsimre for 10 m