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Recipes with Rice

Mains Becel/oil Turmeric as needed Curry powder as needed ...

1. Boil all the ingredients (except the prawns) until the water is gone. 2. Pour the "boil mixture" into a hot pan with Becel and mix the prawns. 3. Put some milk or cream in (as needed) until you think it tastes good! 4. Bon appetit! tips: Put the curr

Mains Garlic (to taste) Curry powder (to taste) Rice ...

- Prawns are thawed and pilled - Garlic peeled and chopped - Pupils are prepared - Prawns, garlic, leeks and curry are cooked in wok until the prawns have a little color. - The rice is added - Then add pepper, baby corn and squash - Leave the dish and sm

Mains Spices (your choice, however, I would recommend allround) Food colour Pepper (as you yourself seemed) ...

First, take the 4 chops and cut them into the tern and fry them in a pan with salt, pepper and spices. When cooked fried, you put water to the 4 bags of rice (and comes in when the water boils). Back to the sauce, the chopsticks are now fried, and you'll get

Salads Red bell pepper Bean sprouts Apples ...

Start boiling the rice, boil for 15 minutes. While boiling, put the salad into a bowl and tear the apple on a grater and season the pepper in the tern and put into the bowl and put the rest of the ingredients in. Let the rice cool off before you get them in th

Mains Peper to taste as needed Salt to taste as needed Chilli ...

Put the rice in lightly salted water and boil until finished Beacon is roasted in a saucepan and set aside. Cut the sirloin in slices and deepen into flour and set aside The onions are cut into the tern and brune with the champing nuts. Among beaco

Mains Chinese soy sauce Paprika Pepper ...

Sprinkle the sirloin off for obstacles and tendons and cut it into slices. Brush them quickly in butter, sprinkle with salt. Pepper and pepper and put them in a saucepan. Brown also cleaned mushrooms and shredded peppers and put them in the pan. Boil the

Appetizers Pepper Salt Green peppers ...

Cut the onions into slices and make them golden in oil, add the tomatoes cut into small boats, and let it spin for a couple of minutes. Then add rice, salt and pepper as well as the cleaned and shredded peppers, stir again and add the 2 bouillons. Let the soup

Mains Fresh herbs such as Rosemary and basillikum Peper Rice ...

The turkey breast is cleansed for the tendons and hinders and then buttered well into the pesto and then wrapped bacon around as the entire breast is covered. The chopped tomatoes are mixed with garlic, herbs, salt and pepper. The tomato sauce poured int