Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Cayenne pepper Minced parsley Oil ...

Chicken cut into 10-12 pieces and Brown it in a saucepan over high heat. Put chicken pieces aside on a heat-proof platter. Chop the carrot, onion, celery, garlic, rødpeber and ham in small pieces and sauté them in the pan. Add the peeled tomatoes and broth. Le

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Oven preheated to 180 degrees c. alm. oven. The chicken is split into 4. Turn over the chicken pieces in flour and Brown lightly in a pan m. butter. Potatoes and onions cut into slices and half placed in a heat-proof platter and sprinkled with salt and p

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Set the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Grease a baking pan with oil. Put potatoes in saucepan. Style it in the oven and roast in 25-30 minutes or according to package instructions. Arrow and finely chop the onion and garlic. Clean and chop peberfrugte

Mains Pepper Chopped tomatoes, canned Dried Marjoram ...

Mix tomatoes and broth and bring to the boil. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes of approx. 3 x 3 cm. Arrow and chop onion. 'S bladselleriet and cut it fine. Came potatoes, onions and celery in the pan. Let Cook 10 min. and season with Marjoram, salt

Mains Garlic Potatoes, diced Onion ...

The chicken: Lightly grease with oil, sprinkled with salt and pepper. Put in greased baking pan with the breast side down. FRY in the oven at 200 degrees for about 45 min. Chicken turn over and FRY further 45 min. The sauce: bring broth to a boil. Stir in c

Mains Pepper Salt Atjas taugé ...

Chicken breast thawed, and the meat cut from the legs. The legs in a saucepan with 3 cups water and ½ teaspoon salt and Cook, covered, about 10 mins in. Chicken meat cut into narrow strips, fried to a nice hot pan in oil. Time: 3-4 min. Sprinkled with salt and

Mains Emilios spice (bouillon) Wheat flour Pepper ...

Chicken, carrot and onion cut into cubes, Jalapeño chili chopped fine. Sauté together with peas-don't Brown. Sprinkled with flour and add water so it just covers. Boil then 10-15 min. and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkled, if desired. with chopped parsley

Mains Seasonal fresh vegetables Butter for frying Chicken broth (bouillon cube + water) ...

Chicken: Chicken Breasts Brown and FRY about 10 minutes in a frying pan. Meanwhile, put red wine and honey over to boil. This boils down to a syrupy consistency. Chickens placed in heat-proof dish and pour over the nedkogte layer. Finished FRY in the oven at 2