Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Salt Yoghurt or curds Garlic ...

The meat is cut into as many pieces as there are persons, add salt, invert in flour and FRY in fat. So be pieces of meat on a plate, while the onions Sauté in the same fat, in which the meat is added back, and the whole thing is steamed in yet another neighbor

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken thighs with backbone ...

Pat the meat dry and slice, if desired. Needless fur and fat. Brown the pieces very well on both sides in a pan. It is not necessary to use FAT, since the skin gives off a part. Season with salt and pepper and place the pieces into a baking dish. Cut the on

Mains Pepper Parsley to garnish Salt ...

1. Arrow the onion and chop it. heat oil by even heat in a large saucepan. Add the onion, chickpeas and 1 tsp salt and Brown in ca. 5 min. 2. Stir the lentils, tomato puree and ½ tbsp cumin in broth Pour over and bring to. log. Turn down and let the pot simmer

Sides A small green chili Olive oil Pepper ...

The eggplants, cut into 1 cm thick slices, sprinkled with salt and placed under light pressure in 20 min. until they have made the bitter fluid. Rinse in cold water and blot dry. Toasting on both sides in abundant olive oil in a hot pan and put on fat sucking

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The onion cut into thick slices, the meat dabbed dry and sprinkled with flour, melt the butter in a large frying pan, sauté onion rings Golden and taken up again. The meat in the Pan, and Brown lightly on all sides, then add the onions again. Tomato purren is

Mains Pepper Salt Rabbit at 1.2-1.5 kg ...

Share rabbit in serving pieces, IE. the back is split into four pieces, thighs cut of and shared if necessary. once and the front legs are cut from the body. Turn the pieces in salt-and pepper mixed flour. Cut the onions in narrow boats, leek and carrots into

Mains Olive oil Rye flour, wholemeal Basil, fresh ...

Cut the redecorated garfish in ca. 8 cm long pieces. Remove carefully the Green legs. The fish must be like double filet, IE. without the back is cut up. Peel and chop the onion, garlic, Basil and parsley. Fill it in the fish. The fish turned into flour wit

Mains Pepper Rye flour Salt ...

Cut the redecorated garfish in ca. 8 cm long pieces. Remove carefully the Green legs. The fish must be like double filet, IE. without the back is cut up Peel and chop the onion, garlic, Basil and Parsley-stuffed them in the fish. The fish turned into flour wit