Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Wheat flour Oil Pepper ...

Chicken clean cutting area, turned over in the flour salt and pepper, and Brown in a mixture of butter and oil. Sauté onion and garlic along with the chicken. Add the white wine, broth, tomato puree, chopped parsley, thyme and bay leaf and let the right sim

Mains Chicken White wine vinegar Onion ...

The chicken fried in a preheated oven at 180 ° c for about 75 minutes, the meat can be easily loosened from the bone, and kødsaften is ready. The potatoes peeled and scratched half into thin slices. Put the scratched side face down. Brush with fat, and sprinkl

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Fry the chicken in a preheated oven (225 ° c) in ca. 35-40 min. onion and garlic chopped. Sauté onion and garlic in butter in a saucepan until tender. Inserts paprikaen into pieces and add this as well as tomatoes, bouillon cube, chili and cumin. Let it boil f

Mains Broth from the dish Dill, fresh Tarragon, fresh ...

The passphrase carefully the largest leaves from the cabbage. Steam pointed cabbage leaves in boiling water with salt for about 3 min. Take the leaves up, and cut the grossest of middle rib of (the 5 leaf cut out and used to cover the holes from rib). Cl

Mains Flûtes and steamed carrots and sugar peas Pepper Sour cream 18% ...

The chicken is split into 6-8 pieces. The pieces Brown on both sides, first with the skin side down. Superfluous fat is poured off. EVS. Cognac is poured and ignited (remember to first turn off the hood!). The onions are chopped. Onion and wine added. Twirling

Mains Pepper Salt Cocktail sausages, canned ...

Start with putting rice or pasta. Saute the bacon in a pan without fat, take it up on a plate. Fry the chopped onion in the bacon grease and evnt a little extra oil. Add the minced beef and Brown it. Baconet came back in the pan together with the peel

Mains Mushrooms Curry Pepper ...

Form four patties and place them on each piece of foil. (They need to be closed completely to afterwards. On top of steak lubricated a layer of mustard, a slice of tomato, a slice of onion, some sliced mushrooms and it sprinkled with curry powder salt and pepp

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Share the chicken into serving pieces and season them with salt and pepper. Allow the oil to be hot and Brown chicken pieces on all sides. Take them up. Sauté the sliced onion and crushed garlic cloves in oil. Came the sliced mushrooms in and let them simme