Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Salads Sea salt White pepper Oil for dybstegning ...

Cut the skrallen and the white membrane of lemons and remove the stones. Got them in a blender along with acacia honey and a hint of salt. Start the blender and came the olive oil slowly in cream to possibly with more Taste. honey depending on how ripe lemons

Salads Salt Sugar Bok choy or silver ask ...

Pour over cous cousen with oil and boiling water. Let it withdraw as much water as possible. Is there too much water by drainage the da in sight. Cut bok choy and spring onions very finely and chop the lemon balm also. Mix it into the chilled cous cous and sea

Salads Salt Lemon juice thereof Frilice or ½ iceberg or romaine ...

Cut the squid into thin rings. Boil them for a few minutes in white wine and salt. Let them cool in white wine. Blanch the whole spinach leaves in boiling salted water. They must only straight down into the water. Guilt in ice-cold water and drainage leaves th

Salads Salt Cucumber Cashew nuts ...

Cut the stem and root of majroerne and scrape the white part. Cut them into both. Put them on a baking tray with baking paper and mix with maple syrup and salt. Behind them in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Cut silver praying and rhubarb fine. C

Salads Balsamic vinegar Romaine or 1 frilice Sesame oil ...

Mix the marinade and let it drag ½ hour. Grate the pumpkin seeds in a dry frying pan. Cut cabbage and celery. Clean the chili (put a cut lengthwise and remove the seeds under running water). Cut the chili fine Sauté cabbage, celery and chili in olive oil. Com

Salads White pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Soak the chickpeas in at least 6-8 hours. Com new water and boil them for about 45 minutes without salt. Let them cool. Cut the white bok choy-stick finely and chop the green leaves. Cut the spring onions into thin slices. Mix chick peas, bok choy, spring onio

Salads Salt Eggplant Lemon juice thereof ...

Bulguren came in a bowl and pour boiling water over to cover. Let bulguren pull in 20 minutes. Cut the aubergine, courgette and the yellow bell peppers in small fine cubes and turn them in about 4 tablespoons. olive oil. Got them on a baking tray with baking p

Salads Salt Cucumber Lemon juice thereof ...

Pour over the wheat with boiling water. Let the drag about 5 minutes. Repeat the process for the wheat is tender. Cut the asparagus into bite-sized pieces and Blanch them in salted water for about 3 minutes. Joined them immediately in ice cold water. Crack the