Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Lunch Celeriac Apple vinegar Apple ...

Herring filters lubricated with dijon mustard. Leek and celery cut into thin strips, and place the envelopes in the herring filters and rolled. Lage: Vinegar cooked up with honey, Bay leaves and pepper. The hot syrup poured over the warm and the place in th

Mains Olive oil Red pepper Onion ...

The bread lightly on both sides grilled over a charcoal grill, and then cut into small squares. Broke the dice placed on a preheated plate. Melt butter and pour over bread dice. Mix well around and style the bread aside. Cut the meat out in not too large sq

Sides Salt Fennel seeds Paprika ...

Cut the cooked beetroot into slices. Mix oil and yogurt. Season with salt and the crushed garlic. Add fennel seeds and pour the sauce over them. Sprinkle with paprika.

Mains Frise salad Olive oil Pepper ...

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. If you are using frozen fish, it must be thawed slowly in the refrigerator, preferably overnight. Grate the zucchini and garlic on a grater. Halve the mushrooms and brown them with grated garlic. Add onion and squash on even

Mains Pepper Salt Capers ...

Heat the oil in a pan and gently fry the onion up therein. Add the tomatoes and let the sauce Cook for 10 minutes. Then blend the sauce and add the capers, before again given a rehash. Flavor to last with salt and pepper. Scroll plaice fillets together and put

Mains Lemon juice Heads lettuce Garlic ...

Pesto: mix together the parsley, olive oil, garlic, finely grated parmasan or other cheese, salt, pepper and lemon juice and blend all ingredients. Season to taste. Fish rolls: Lightly grease with parsley pesto, roll the fillets together and come together w

Soups Freshly ground pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Heat oil in a pan. Add the chopped scallions and sauté. Løgstykkerne must not become Brown. Add the water and bring to the boil. The prawns came in. Simmer for about 15 minutes. Add the turmeric. Season with salt and pepper. SI soup. Arrow the prawns. Also get

Mains Steamed rice for accessories Of apricot nectar Onion ...

French onion soup mix and apricot nectar and set aside. Sauté sliced onions in oil and add chicken and cook until almost done. Add nectar, dried apricots and simmer for about 5 minutes. Add sliced almonds just for serving and serve with steamed rice. Sprink