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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Lasagne sheets Bouillon cube chicken Olive oil ...

Brown the chicken in a saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and stir well. Add tomatoes and tomato paste and water, bouillon cube and oregano and let the small simmer 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Butter a rectangular dish. put alternating tomat

Mains Pepper Salt Topping-ost (take your pick I use like cheddar) ...

chop onion, squash and leeks and carrots thinly slice and rinse and drain spinach, and drained, and drained ... cut/part ørredfiletterne into small pieces. onions, leeks and squash Sauté in the oil in the Pan and after 3-4 minutes, add trout and salt and

Mains Fresh herbs (parsley purl? g, etc.) Pepper Salt ...

Salmon roll: thinly sliced smoked salmon being placed on a piece of kitchen film. Cream cheese and crème frâiche whipped together, and season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Crèmen lubricated on salmon slices and rolled tightly, as for the roulade. Should a

Mains Italian baguettes Pepper Green Salad like different kinds of ...

Part of the cabbage leaves. Cook them for about 4 min. in salted water, and drainage and refrigerate them in a sieve. Pat dry with a clean Tea towel. Cut the grossest part of the stick on the leaves away. Scroll 2 pieces plastic wrap out of a length of 50 cm.

Mains Pepper Salt Sambal oelek ...

Crack avokadoerne, remove the stone and cut the peal of; slice the avocado flesh into small dice. Chop tomatoes and rucola salad and stir all the ingredients-except the salmon-together. Advantage of the filling on the salmon slices and roll them together

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Thaw the dough up and disassemble the sheets apart. Chop the salmon flesh with a knife – or chop it coarsely in a food processor. Mix the salmon flesh with lime juice and zest, minced chili, salt and bread crumbs. Set of forcemeat in the refrigerator an hour o

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Salt Yeast ...

Stir the yeast with salt water and then add the sugar and the oil. now stir the rest of the ingredients in and gradually the dough, there must be pasted is stirred thoroughly. The dough is taken to be to raise the cool in my 10 hours. turn on the oven at 25

Dressing Olive oil Chili pepper Lemon juice ...

Pour all the ingredients in a food processor. Blend until dressing is the desired consistency.