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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Basil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Rub chicken fillets with salt, pepper and Herbes de Provense. Arrow and chop garlic and onion. Rinse the vegetables. Inserts squashen into cubes. Halve the peppers and remove the seeds and white membrane and stilkefæstet-striml peberfrugten rough. Heat 2

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Rub chicken fillets with Herbes de Provence. Arrow and finely chop the onion and garlic. Rinse the vegetables. Inserts squashen into cubes. Halve the peppers, remove the seeds and white membrane and stalk attached and cut the peppers into strips. Heat 2 tbs

Mains Cayenne pepper Paprika Salt ...

Mix the crushed garlic in the olive oil and let them stand and pull slightly. Clean the chicken and crack it in 2o equal halves. Brush chicken on all sides with olive oil and garlic. Then sprinkle with a little salt and paprika, then the chicken becomes quite

Mains Oil for deep frying Pepper Salt ...

Deep fry the chicken pieces in very hot oil for about 4-5 minutes, until they are almost done. Take them up, and let them drain. Heat olive oil and saute garlic and red chili up in about 1 minute. Came the chicken in. After 1 minute, add peas, fish sauce, l

Mains Black pepper Small handful of fresh thyme Great chicken approx. 2 kg. cut into 10 pieces ...

Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Advantage of chicken pieces, lemon, garlic cloves and thyme in a roasting pan. Add the oil and mix everything well. The chicken must lie with the skin side up. Pour the white wine over and sprinkle with pepper. Cover with tight-

Mains Lemon juice and must thereto Small bunch chives Lovage ...

Mix all ingredients for the marinade, lovage leaves should be cut coarsely. Put chicken breasts in this and mariner 4-5 hours. Grill then 10-15 minutes total, not too close to the glødelag or grill element (be sure that the chicken is done.) Server meat eg. Wi

Mains Lemon both Chicken at approximately 1.2 kg Rosemary ...

Take the bag out and rinse the chicken with giblets. The chicken in half and slice the rump of. Remove any fat lumps. Rub both halves with salt and put them in a baking dish with the skin side up. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with plenty of Rosemary.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Party chicken into 4 pieces. Brown the chicken pieces in a little olive oil. Sprinkle spices over. Add the lemon salt – and must, and let it all Brown for about 5 minutes. Cut the pumpkin into slices and serve the slices in a greased casserole dish. Advanta