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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Cayenne pepper Edelsüss paprika Fresh chopped Basil ...

Onion and garlic peeled and chopped. The beans are washed, trimmed and cut into smaller pieces. The peppers are washed, dried, halved, deboned ribs, core and frøstol and cut into fine strips. Soup herbs cleaned, rinsed and cut into cubes. The oil is heated in

Mains Confiterede green asparagus Pepper Salt ...

Preheat oven to 72 degrees. Chop the Rosemary leaves & basilikums the leaves finely. Slice the fillet free of all tendons. Advantage a little good olive oil (like truffle oil) on a piece of cling film or frying foil. Put the tenderloin, and then roll the m

Mains Black pepper Finely chopped garlic Cinnamon ...

Warm 2 tablespoons. of the oil in a frying pan. Came the minced meat and fry it in 5 minutes, stirring, until onion and garlic are added. Came after a few minutes the chopped tomatoes, coarsely chopped apples, halved olives, raisins, cinnamon, cloves, salt and

Mains Fresh lasagne sheets Marjoram Olive oil ...

Boil lentils ca. 25 min si them and save water. Saute leeks, guleroedder, mushrooms and onions in oil. Preheat oven 180 C. Add lentils, herbs and tomatoes, laeg lids on and simmer for 15-20 min in a heat-proof platter in Laeg. layer, as on his usual show, star

Mains Pepper Salt Stick cinnamon ...

Meatballs: Stir this for a father, part forcemeat and tril it to approximately 14 Walnut-sized balls. Heat the oil in a frying pan, Brown the Meatballs in it about 5 mins, shake the Pan well from time to time, so they do not hang in. Sauce: cut the tomatoes

Mains Burger buns Lemon juice Oil ...

Tomatrelish: cut the tomatoes into quarters and place them in a heat-proof platter together with thyme and oil. Behind the tomatoes by 150 degrees (hot air) or 170 degrees, for about 1 1/4 hour. Beware that they do not become too dark. Take them out and toss t

Lunch Herbs such as parsley, oregano Pepper Salt ...

All the ingredients are cut into cubes. Olive oil warmed slightly up in large pot or pan. Onion and garlic should be clarified in the oil. The other vegetables in at a time and stir around. Water and bouillon cube is complied with by. After 10 min. tasted righ

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Lemon oil: Grate the peel of half a lemon into thin strips and squeeze the juice over it. Stir in olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Let the oil pulling 20-30 my. Fish spear: Put træspyddene in cold water while the rest prepared. Cut the fish into l