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Recipes with Olive oil

Soups Lemon Pepper Shrimp are added after temperament ...

Add onion and garlic to olive oil, white wine, cream, tomatoes poured together with the broth, boil softly for about 20 minutes, then finally add the cod to the prawns, especially the prawns must not get too much! Season with salt, pepper and lemon

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Dill ...

Chop the tomatoes and cut into slices. Mix the juice from limene, olive oil, salt and pepper and pour it over the salsa and mix thoroughly. Chop the dill. Mix cheese, cremefraiche and dill. Grease each salmon slice with 1/4 of the cheese mixture and roll th

Mains Coarse salt Wheat flour Crushed garlic after taste ...

Beef pot: Dip the meat dry. Bring it in the oil in a large saucepan. Stir fry and add broth, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Let it cook for 20-30 minutes under the lid. Peel the vegetables and cut them into rough pieces. Put these in the pan and allow the dish

Breakfast & brunch Balsamic vinegar Groftkværnet pepper Olive oil ...

The chorizo ​​sauce is cut into small tern and chopped. Eggs, cheese and pepper are whipped together and the tomatoes are cut into slices. Chorizo ​​and onion roasted in a little olive oil on a small forehead. Remove the mixture from the forehead and comple

Mains Olive oil Bell Peppers (in strips) Whole cloves of garlic ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices without cutting through. Put them in a frying pan and brush with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with rasp. Then put the potatoes in a preheated oven of 200 degrees for approx. 1 hour. Rinse the sp

Salads Pepper Salt Balsamic-vinegar ...

Shake the nuts with salt on a dry, hot pan. Add honey and stir around. Let the nuts cool on a plate. Cut the peppers into thin strips and stir them with medium heat with salt and lots of pepper for 5-6 minutes. Until they are brown and soft. Add garlic, tu

Mains Olive oil Coffee cream or cream fine Chives ...

Cut large sidelines of the earthquakes and clean them separately. Discard the smaller tubers. Scrub the earthquakes in plenty of salt and a little water - maybe several times until they are completely clean. Cut them into rough pieces. Chop the onion / porr

Salads Basil Flat-leaf parsley Olive oil ...

Mash the feta with a fork and stir it up with a little olive oil. Chop the basil and broadly parsley finely and tear 1 to 2 tsp. Lemon peel roughly. Season with lemon juice. Cut a red apple into small fine thin slices and add to the end.