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Recipes with Olive oil

Sides Pepper Salt Gruyèreost ...

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices with a sharp knife. Put the potatoes in a bowl of cold water and let them pull approx. 10 min. Let them drip onto the kitchen roll. 2. Arrow and slice of onions. Warm the medium on a large frying pan. Add

Mains Basil leaves for garnish (optional) Pepper Salt ...

1. Rub the chicken fillets with herbes de provence. Arrow and chop garlic and onions. Rinse the vegetables. Cut the squash into the tern. Half the peppers, remove the kernels, the white membrane and the sirloin and shred the peppers roughly. 2. Heat 2 tbsp.

Mains Spices (to taste) Peper Salt ...

Chicken fillets are put in a freezer along with the sweet chili the day before use. The catacles are peeled / peeled and divided into two. They are then put in a refractory dish, the oil and the spices poured over and placed in a preheated oven of approx.

Mains Corn flour sauce thickens (white) Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken breast for approx. 2 cm. Strip and peel it in olive oil so they are light brown on all sides, then add finely chopped garlic and onions. Stir thoroughly until they begin to take a little color. Then add all the peppers and turn well around a mi

Lunch Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Shake the bread. Form 4 large flat steaks. Rub the meat with oil, season with salt and pepper and turn the steaks on a glow pan for a few minutes Put the bread with the steak and put the accessories well around it in small bunks and egg yolk in a small bowl.

Sides Pepper Salt Bacon (or Turkey bacon) ...

Set the oven to 200 degrees. Peel and shred potatoes, beetroot and sirloin in strips. Comes in a freezer bag. Then pour 3 tbsp. Olive oil in the bag, salt and pepper and leave it for approx. 5min. Stir the bacon slightly while you wait. The mixture from the b

Salads Freshly ground black pepper Minced parsley Salt ...

Boil the potatoes. Cut the potatoes into slices when cooked. Mix the dressing while the potatoes boil. When the potatoes are cooled, the dressing is over.

Mains Minced parsley Olive at will Pepper ...

Cut the potatoes into suitable pieces and turn them into a marinade of olive oil, garlic, white wine vinegar, salt and pepper. Cut red and spring onions in fine slices. Peel the cucumber, chop it lengthwise, scrape the kernels or cut it into slices. Blsnd the