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Recipes with Olive oil

Cakes in form Juice of 1 lemon or 1 orange Rice milk Walnuts ...

Whip the eggs well with the sugar. Peel the bananas - mash them well and stir the mash in the egg yolks together with lemon juice. Add rice milk - oil - baking powder and flour and stir the dough thoroughly. Finally, turn the walnut kernels into the dough and

Bread, buns & biscuits Egg yolk (optional) Hånfuld pumpkin seeds Herbal salt ...

Stir the yeast into the lukewarm water and add the oil. Stir herb salt and flour, but store some of the flour for kneading. Add the grass kernels kneaded the dough and put it on a spelled table. Eat as much flour as it can take without getting too firm and sha

Salads Allspice, ground Hokaido Ginger, crushed ...

Half the pumpkin and scrape the cores. Cut the pumpkin in both and cut the peel off. Cut the fruit meat into smaller pieces. Mix the spices and turn the pork tenderloin together with them and the oil. Wrap it on baking paper on a baking sheet and baking

Cold cuts Salt Cayenne pepper Cumin seeds ...

It all blends together into a soft texture with possibly little water. Season with salt. tips: Spice a homemade spelled bowl and benefit hummus and lettuce leaves in between. Tastes super amazing - and that federal does not;)

Breakfast & brunch Bread Olive oil Pepper ...

Pour olive oil on a hot pan Roughly chopped onions poured on the forehead and small simmer for about 7 minutes must not turn brown. Bowl a tin of peeled tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes. Whip the eggs and pour the pipes well around so that everything is mix

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

In a thick pot, the olive oil is heated and the finely chopped onions, carrots and celery are exchanged. Then add the chopped beef that browns for two minutes together with the vegetables. Add white wine and let it boil completely. Then add milk and nutm

Mains Olive oil Salt Pepper ...

Dough: Flour, dried yeast, salt mix in a bowl. Water and oil are added. Pour the dough to smooth and style it for a slight spot for about 30 minutes. Divide the dough into two. Roll each portion onto a table sprinkled with flour. Roll each to a large round pi

Cakes in form Use if necessary. a little flour to keep the dough Macaroons Butter ...

Turn on the oven at 175 * c. Crush the macrons and mix them with the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Crush the butter in. Then put 2 eggs in (store one for brushing). Pour the dough into the molds and brush them with light hand of eggs. Leave them in the