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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Mushrooms Finely chopped chili Fresh basil ...

The tiger rears are taken out of the shells that are stored. The tiger prawns are then laid in a marinadeaf olive oil, squeezed lemon, finely chopped garlic, chili and freshly ground pepper. The bowls are placed in a pot of water and boiled into funds. 1 can

Mains A few cloves of garlic A few chopped fresh tomatoes Olive oil ...

Put the spaghetti over. Meanwhile: Olive oil in a large saucepan, the onions when ready, add the blue mussels, white wine and lay on. 5 min after the pasta NEXT is ready drain it and throw it into the pan of the blue mussels, lay on. Now the mussels have ope

Mains NET/cantaloupe, diced Olive oil Chili ...

Preheat the oven to 200 C (hot air) 1) Black rice is rinsed sometimes. Add 1½L of water to the boil and put the rice in. Cook for about 1 h. 2) Garlic peeled and cut into small toes. Pepper, salt, chili and olive oil are mixed with garlic. Spread on a

Mains A bay leaf Freshly grated parmesan Sea salt ...

Start boiling the red wine to 2 dl. Heat a large pan well, add olive oil and brown the meat thoroughly. Remove the meat from the forehead, turn a little on the heat and add the finely chopped onions and a teaspoon. sea ​​salt. Stir in the onions constantly

Mains Rough Italian bread Hvedmel Olive oil ...

Take 500 beef and knead the same with 2 pressed garlic cloves, 2 whole eggs, 1 dl. Rasp, chopped parsley (as desired), dried thyme, salt and pepper. And knead it all together well. Roll the meatballs in about 4cm in diameter. Roll them in wheat flour and brown

Mains Potatoes Olive oil Salt ...

Roll out the dough. Cut the raw potatoes very thinly. Put them on the pizza dough. Bring salt and olive oil. Pour the pizza full heat into the hot air oven until the potatoes are finished. tips: Can be served with green salad to. Or with pesto on top.

Bread, buns & biscuits Sea salt Rosemary Yeast (organic) ...

Yeast, oil, salt and lukewarm water pour into a large bowl. The flour is stirred for a little while, so lumps are not formed until the dough is nice soft and just does not stick. The dough raises for about 2-3 hours loose and covered with a dish until it is

Cold cuts Red kidney beans Dried Rosemary Salt ...

Rinse the beans thoroughly. Bring beans, garlic, rosemary, salt and 1 tablespoon of oil into a saucepan. Warm it all well until the beans start to fall apart. Blend it all with the last oil. Let it cool and eat it on bread or use it as an accessory.