Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Brown sugar Small sprig fresh rosemary Beef spidsbryst ...

Mix brown dough and salt together. Check your piece of nose brush for big fat bumps and big tendons and remove it. Bring butter on a very hot forehead and brown the meat for half a minute on each side. Take it off Gnump the brown farin / salt mixture thorou

Bread, buns & biscuits Egg for brushing EVS. sesame seeds for garnish Cardamom ...

The yeast is piped into water. Oil, milk and eggs are stirred in. Grahamsmel, salt, sugar and cardamom are added. Wheat flour is stirred for a while, until you have a good smooth dough. Set aside in a covered bowl. About 1 hour. Divide the dough into 12 and

Mains Pepper Salt Cumin seeds ...

Season the chicken breads with salt and pepper, place in an ovenproof dish and cover with staniol. Put in a hot air oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Cut onion and garlic into the tern. Step on a pan with 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. Add red pepper fruit to

Mains Garlic Small bunch Sage Onion ...

The loaf is chopped and lightly sliced ​​with crushed garlic. Before coloring add the rice and the cracked beetroot and turn around well. Add white wine and allow to evaporate. Broth is spread over several laps, and the whole process takes about 20 minutes.

Mains Potatoes, small Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven on 180 gr. Share the chicken Put them in a greased dish Half the flowers and remove the stone Arrow reddish Cut them into thick boats Put the plums and red onions in the oven dish with the chickens. Fold the vanilla bar and scrape the c

Mains Apple vinegar English souce (omami) Maybe a little sesame paste tahin (bitter) ...

2 - 3 liter saucepan Cut the cabbage fine Cut the meat for approx. Mouth bites. Turn on the pan Add oil warm up Add some cabbage Add soya And switch it together So it's colored brown Add in turn More cabbage broth / water As well as the taste i

Sides White and black pepper-to taste Mug parsley Honey-liquid ...

Marinade mix and stir well together. Tomatoes split - half Put the marinade on the half tomato "Baked" in preheated oven 100 degrees for 3 hours Accessories for: At your own request

Mains Honey Olive oil Pepper ...

Chop 1 onion and 4 cloves of garlic. Sprinkle and chop olives roughly. Mix all the ingredients of meatballs and shape the balls. Wash the potatoes and cut them in both. Half cut and cut into slices. Forge onion and potatoes in a dish and add olive oil, salt