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Recipes with Cayenne pepper

Mains Cayenne pepper Chili Pepper ...

Chopped onions and mushrooms sliced Sauté in the oil. The hearts be cleansed of grease, etc., cut into thin "both" and Brown in oil. Sliced carrots and chopped tomatoes in and the whole småsimrer approx. ½ hour. The cream is poured in, Cook with and season

Mains Coriander. leaves. fresh Green chili pepper Lime, the juice of which ...

Brown chicken fillet into small pieces and chopped onion in butter. Sprinkle some Garam Masala and cayenne pepper. Add the other ingredients and let it all simmer for a few minutes. Serve with rice and a salad

Pickling Cayenne pepper Onion minced Cooking apples freed for cored and chopped ...

Pour all ingredients except the cane sugar in a large saucepan and bring them in suitable Cook over medium heat. Turn down the heat and simmer without lid, for the apples are tender. Stir in the sugar, still at low heat. When the sugar is dissolved, the

Soups 1 tbsp. Cognac Cayenne pepper Salt ...

Tag 20-25 shrimp from to garnish. Came the rest of the shrimp and shallots in a blender and blend to a thick puree. Melt the butter in a pan and gently FRY pureen herein. Add the tomato paste (rinse the canister in a bit of fish broth) and mix the rest of t

Mains Salt Eggs Cayenne pepper ...

Preheat oven to 200 degrees C. In a shallow dish, mix bread crumbs, parmesan, Rosemary, cayenne, salt and black pepper to taste good together, be careful with the salt as the cheese itself is pretty salty. In another shallow dish, beat eggs and oil toget

Appetizers Cress Salt Dill ...

Stir in butter soft. Add garlic and season to taste with salt and cayenne pepper. Rinse and chop the herbs and stir them in butter. Favor butter on French toast. Warmed under gril in 3 min.

Mains Cayenne pepper Egg yolk Finely chopped onion ...

Heat the oil in a pan. FRY broccoli, bamboo shoots and onion in 4-5 minutes. Add a little of the bed sheet from bambusskudene, cinnamon and cayenne pepper to taste and mix it well. Simmer 3-4 minutes. Beat the egg yolk with yoghurt and tabasco sauce. Rem

Salads Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

The pasta is cooked al dente in lightly salted water and rinse thoroughly. The tomatoes cut into both, and olive flesh cut from the stones, the carrots julienneskæres, IE. in thin strips. Blue castello or goat cheese. Cream cheese, yogurt or oil blended to