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Recipes with Cayenne pepper

Mains Basil, fresh Rosemary, fresh Salt ...

Drizzle fish fillets with lemon juice, put it in a greased gratinfad, and season with salt. Stir so the fish Fund with cream and plenty of cayenne pepper, before you pour this mixture over the fish. Mix the chopped herbs with breadcrumbs and grated parme

Mains Cayenne pepper A little salt Parsley ...

Plaice fillets are rinsed, blotted dry and halved lengthwise. Shrimp peeled, showered with cold water and drips off. Fish and shrimp with lemon juice onto and pulls. The onions peeled and boil 10 minutes in a little water. Halve the tomatoes, mushrooms be able

Mains Curry Grated lemon rind Eggs lightly beaten together ...

Came the minced meat in a half a large bowl. Add the onion, garlic, herbs, spices and breadcrumbs. Knead it well with your hands and share the mixture into 12 equal portions. Form them into sausages around lubricated metal skewer. They brushed with egg and rol

Sauces Lemon juice thereof Worcestershire sauce Cayenne pepper ...

Place in a pot and some gruel is a half an hour. Taste, if desired. for with additional chilies and splash of chili-sauces. Suitable for brushing of all meat/.

Salads Pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

Cut the tomatoes into slices and finely chop onions and put them over the tomatoes. Marinade: Shake the marinade well together and pour it over the tomato salad.

Salads Pepper Salt Cayenne pepper ...

All the ingredients for the dressing, shake together. Oranges peeled off with a knife, freed from "white" and cut into cubes. Mix the Orange cubes, dressing, olives and chopped onion and let it marinate for 1 hour. Immediately before serving, mix the cabbag

Salads Cayenne pepper Salt Spring onions ...

The water brought to a boil with the salt. The rice boils approximately 12-15 minutes and made draining. Ketchup is stirred with mustard, vinegar, Cayenne and sugar. Garlic is squeezed over the dressing. The oil is whipped together with the dressing. Beans and

Salads Salt Cayenne pepper Water ...

Fry the diced bacon in a frying pan a package in a little olive oil to the bacon is crispy. Cook the small brocollibuketter and a little peas in lightly salted water. Mix the cooked vegetables up in bacon with a bit of grøntsagsvandet and rose quite a bi