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Recipes with Cayenne pepper

Mains Cayenne pepper Salt Duck breast ...

Chop the pistachio nuts and almonds finely, if applicable. in blender. Half whip the cream stiff and mix them with sour cream, chopped nuts and almonds. Taste the sauce with salt and cayenne pepper. Slice the chicken and Turkey Breast into thin slices. Take

Mains Cayenne pepper Lemon juice White pepper ...

Rib spinach for coarse stems and rinse it in cold water several teams. Blanch the spinach in plenty of boiling water 1 minute Let the spinach drip well dry in a sieve. Cut the fish into bite-sized pieces. Serve the salmon on a plate. Put the spinach l

Mains Cucumber into small cubes Lemon finely grated to thereof Lemon juice ...

Sauté the onion in the oil in a pan & add the peeled tomatoes & water. Bring to the boil & let Cook on a low heat for about 20 minutes season with salt & pepper. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Benefit the sauce in a baking pan or a heat-proof

Soups Pepper Salt Carnations ...

In a 6-litre saucepan with 1 teaspoon oil, Brown the Turkey cubes at medium heat, until it is browned on all sides. Are then removed from the Pan and wait for later use. In the same Pan fry onions, celery, green pepper, garlic and spices in the rest of the

Mains Pepper Salt Maizenamel ...

Scallions, mushrooms and red peppers cleaned and cut into cubes. The pig meat in a pan without fat and FRY. Add the vegetables and sauté it all well together. The peeled tomatoes added with the pressed garlic and spices. The Court stands and some grue

Lunch Serve with crackers or baguettes Salt Watercress ...

Cut the bottom of the peppers and remove the frøstolen. Rinse them and let them dry with the bottom facing up. Mix cream cheese, butter, salt and cayenne pepper. Cut the Turkey into small cubes and mix them in the cheese together with brøndkarse leaves. Tak

Mains Cayenne pepper Olive oil Salt ...

Put the prawns in a small heat-proof Bowl (ca. 10 cm in diameter)-one bowl per person. Put garlic and chili pepper, and sprinkle with a little salt and possibly. Cayenne Pepper (depending on how strong you want it). Olive oil is poured over, so the prawns are

Mains Cayenne pepper Pepper Salt ...

Bacon is cut small and FRY well. Herein is complied with onions, spices and peppers. Beef cut into cubes (approx. 2 x 2 cm.) and FRY in margarine. Onion and bacon poured over the meat along with the peeled tomatoes. Some gruel is the pan on a low heat for