Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Sauces recipes

Sauces A bit of extra milk or water A little veal or beef broth Corn flour to jævning ...

Heat barbecue sauce and milk in a saucepan. Dissolve the spices in the extra water / milk. Stir in the boiling sauce. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Equalized with maizena - cognac added. Taste like

Sauces A bit of extra milk or water A little veal or beef broth Corn flour to jævning ...

Heat barbecue sauce and milk in a saucepan. Dissolve the spices in the extra water / milk. Stir in the boiling sauce. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Smoothed with maizena - whiskey added. Taste like

Sauces Suit Corn flour cornstarch Butter ...

Brown butter in a saucepan. Stir the corn in the fat. When the flour mixture is light brown add the broth and whip well. Boil the sauce through low heat for 5 minutes. Adjust color with color and taste with salt and pepper.

Sauces Lemon juice Dijon mustard White wine vinegar ...

The egg yolks are stirred with salt in a blender or food processor. White wine vinegar, lemon juice and dijon mustard are stirred with. Add the oil in a fine, thin beam until the sauce is thick and airy. Chop onion, garlic and parsley and turn it into the crea

Sauces Or Avocado Miso ...

Blend 1 tablespoon of miso, 1 tablespoon nuts or kernel butter and 1 cup of water. OR Blend 1 tablespoon of miso, ½ avocado and 1 cup of water. Voila! Sleep at the minute!

Sauces Avocado Freshly ground black pepper Garlic ...

Blend it all. Fits "mashed potatoes", mayonnaise pasta or a vegetable medley.

Sauces Red or yellow bell pepper Capsicum Broccoli Brussels sprouts ...

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts or kale boil for 15 minutes and blend with a little of the vegetable water. Decorate with red or yellow pepper. When the sauce has cooled, it may Mixed with some avocadomos.

Sauces Fresh coriander Fresh mint Garam-masala ...

Season the onions in oil until they are soft. Bring onions, garlic and chilli and cook for a few more minutes. Add tomato, yogurt, coconut milk and allow the sauce to cook for about 15 minutes for low heat.