Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Pickling Atamon liquid Dill screen Cooking bag with sidestep spices ...

The squashes are washed, divided and hollowed out. They are peeled, cut into rods and put into the salt layer and refrigerated for 1 day. Say the weather from.

Add vinegar and water to boil and add sugar, chopped pilled onion, dill and boil with spices. Boi...

Pickling Turmeric Whole coriander Preservative ...

Peel, chop and squash squares and cut them into strips. Clean and strip the peppers and cut the onions in slices. Boil the salt layer and pour it over the vegetables and keep it cold for 1 day. Say the weather from. Cook the icing and cook the vegetables. Let ...

Mains Freshly ground pepper Plenty of oil for frying Salt ...

The squash is torn fine, put into a bowl with 2 tsp salt. Leave for half an hour, pour the pulp into a sieve and squeeze the juice with your hand.

Herbs are chopped well in the food processor. Squash, egg, flour, pepper, peppers are added and mixed in the f...

Mains Pepper Salt Baking soda ...

Grease a pie dish approx. 21 cm in diameter.

Cut bacon into small tern and chop smoothly. Bacon and onions are shaken. The squash is roughly peeled with peel and the cheese is roughly torn.

Mix the bacon / onion mixture with grated squash, grated cheese,...

Soups Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Coarse-fried onions are sautéed in the oil. Squash and fennel in small tern, as well as potatoes in thin slices are added and browned easily. Broth is added and it boils under low for 15 min. Blend and season with cream fraiche, white wine, salt and pepper....

Sides Wheat flour Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Tear the squash into the food processor. Place the pulp in a clean cloth and turn the pads out of the squash mass. If you have a lot of squash, turn once more and use a squash extra. There is incredibly so much water that can be in a squash.

When the pressu...

Desserts (warm) Salt Cognac Lemon, the juice of which ...

The dry ingredients are stirred for a leveling with beer and milk. Egg yolks and oil are added and the dough rests for 30 minutes. Then turn the pinch egg whites into the dough.

Put the pancakes in butter

The pancakes are rolled together on a dish. Butte...

Desserts (warm) Almond splitter Grated lemon peel Salt ...

The eggs are whipped with the flour. Combine boiled butter and milk. Add the dough with salt, sugar, vanilla and fried lemon peel.

The pancakes are baked very thin on a hedge pan. Only butter the forehead first.

Should it be Crêpes Suzette, turn the panc...