Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sauces Water Fintsnittet parsley Lager or wheat beer ...

Bring beer and water to the pot and let it boil for approx. 3/4 dl.

Whip butter and season with salt and pepper. Turn parsley in....

Cakes in form Egg yolk Whipped cream Vanilla pod ...

Crumble the butter in the flour and mix the sugar. Collect the dough with the egg yolk that has touched the cream. Wipe the dough into a pie shaped with baking paper and make sure to push the dough well up the edge all the way around.

Prepare the bottom of ...

Mains Parsley, fresh Salt Potatoes ...

Cut the dinner chops into 3 cm long pieces, cut a cross (1 cm deep) into one of the sausages with a knife.

Cut the cabbage into fine strips and cut out into the tern. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices.

Season the cabbage and onions in oil an...

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon in thin slices ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Peel the carrots and cut them into 5 cm long spell. Pil the rosemary, share if necessary. Very big once. Arrow the bulbs and cut them in both. Put the vegetables in a pan and pour the water / broth. Season with salt a...

Mains A little thyme Salt Mushrooms into slices or 250 g fresh ...

The loaf is chopped, swirled in a little butter with the fresh mushrooms in slices or they dripped from the can. The potatoes are peeled, cut into small cubes and mixed in the saucepan with tomato tomatoes. Cook 5-6 minutes before the spices, frozen vegetables...

Mains Lemon juice English sauce Honey ...

Stir the apricots, remove the stones and cut them in blocks. Cut each sausage into 4 pieces. Stretch the bacon slices on the spikes alternately around sausages and apricots. Mix the ingredients for the glazing and brush the spikes. Grill them 6-8 minutes on ea...

Mains Spices to taste salt pepper, if desired. Chili paprika Sausages (low-fat) Tomato puree ...

Bring some water into a pan with a lot of spices stirring, add tomato paste. Bring the chopped peppers and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes. The sausages are cut into slices and golden on a teflon pan. Boil the pasta. Everything is finally mixed....

Mains EVS. Chili EVS. a little twit coffee Curry ...

The curry is slightly swept in the bottom of a saucepan, add the chopped onion and some water.
Carrots, garlic and sausages are added. If you have some coffee, add it now and boil.
Chopped tomatoes and spices are added, simmer for approx. 5 - 10 min.

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