Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Meljævning Pepper Red currant or sour jelly ...

Dry the goose well. Rub it inside with salt and pepper. Let any fat lie in the goose. Few wings and thighs to the body with meat needles and place it on the side in an ovenproof dish or small frying pan.

Brown the grease and season the onions, peppers and j...

Pickling Bright, mature plums Red melatin Rose hips or 350 g purified rosehip peels ...

The washed plums are cut. The stones are removed. Flower and stem are cut by the hyben fruits, rinsed, flaked and freeze for cores. They can be cut into strips if they are large or ground through the meat machine together with the flowers. Meat and shrimps boi...

Pickling Broiled cold water Bright ripe plums Sugar ...

The oranges are washed, cut lengthwise in thin boats. Flower and impurities in the skull are cut away. The orange boats are cut on a dish in paper-thin triangles. The cores are gradually removed. The apples, the juice on the dish and the water come in a saucep...

Pickling Little pectin (melatin) Zest and juice of ½ Orange Zest and juice of lemon 1/4 ...

Cut the flowers into smaller pieces and bring the 4 first ingredients into a saucepan. Bowl the cloves in a paper bag to make them easier to fish. Add 100 g of sugar and bring the flowers to the boil. Boil them tenderly for low heat. Mix the rest of the sugar ...

Pickling Ripe plums Water Atamonpulver or 1 tsp. liquid atamon ...

The rinsed apricots are soaked in the water for 3-12 hours, grind through the meat machine together with the puffed plums and boil softly under low approx. 30 min. The sugar is sprinkled in. The marmalade is boiled with stirring for 5-10 minutes, foamed and ad...

Pickling Water Plums, fresh, pitted Red melatin ...

The washed plums are flaked and ejected.

Boil under low 10 minutes with water.

Most of the sugar is stirred and boiled with 10 minutes.

Melati and the rest of the sugar mix and sprinkle well over the fruit while stirring and boil for another 2 minutes...

Pickling Plums, fresh Atamon, liquid Sugar ...

Plums for this jam method must be sure, they are flaked and pinned, halved or cut into even smaller pieces. Stir with sugar and Atamon. Stir thoroughly and for a long time, rest for a few hours before re-stirring and pouring onto clean, atamon-stained glass or...

Pickling Atamon, liquid Water Vanilla sugar ...

The rinsed plums are dotted and placed in clean, Atamon-stained glass.

Water and sugar boil to make froth and mix with wine, vanilla sugar and Atamon.

The layers are poured warmly over the flowers and placed in the refrigerator. For 3-4 days, stir the ja...