Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Parsley Thyme sprigs Pearl onions ...

Pour the liquid out of the spinach and cut it into rough pieces. The garlic chopped and browned in a little olive oil. Spinach is added and spiced with salt and pepper, possibly with sprouts of nutmeg.

Cut a pocket in the turkey breast and fill with spinach...

Mains Pasta-fresh Parsley Turkey bacon into slices ...

The Schnitzler Brune off (1 minute on each side) and put in a dish with slices of tomato. Add white wine, chopped onion and sprinkle with parsley and bacon. Place the alloy oil and baking in the oven for 20 minutes at 150 degrees. Serve with rice or pasta...

Mains Thyme sprigs Garlic Parsnips ...

Peel the parsnip and blemish the root for approx. 8 pieces. Tomato cut both and brown schnitzler off. Put it all on baking paper together with thyme and a totally overgrown garlic (all fat). Bake paper is folded to a bag, baked in 180 ° oven for 15 minutes....

Mains Chicken broth Concentrated tomato puree 70 g Peppers, Red ...

The strips are shredded with garlic and pepper in tern in oil. Peppers, broths, tomato purée and water are added. Let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Smooth with Maizena and season with salt and pepper.

Served with rice....

Salads Cucumber in slices Flûtes Turkey sausage ...

Cut the tomatoes, cut the tomatoes, cut the cucumber in slices and pepper in the tern. The turkey sauce is cut into slices. The dressing is whipped together, add salt and pepper and pour over the salad, which is placed on a plate and served with warm flutes....

Mains Lemon juice Parmesan cheese Shallots ...

Brush off the broth, sprinkle with salt, pepper, chopped parsley, garlic and lemon and baking at 160 degrees for one hour. Risotto: Season the onions, add Risotto rice and white wine as well as water and salt. Add the rice to tender and add a little cream and ...

Mains Bouillon cube Peeled tomatoes Garlic ...

Toast bread without crust is soaked in milk and stirred with the turkey frog and seasoned with salt and pepper. The parsley is shaped and paned in chopped hazelnut flakes, fry in oil, served with fresh pasta.

Sauce: Onion, garlic spoon in oil and add flaked...

Lunch Curry Arugula Salad Flûtes ...

The flute is split, feta and rucola salad marinated in a little olive oil. Tomatoes are cut into slices and the strips are seasoned with curry, salt and pepper and cooked for a short while....